Levokarnitin (L-carnitine) is a similarity similar to vitamins, a person present in the body. It has a property of burning fats. With a lack of vitamin compound, metabolism is disturbed, which leads to excess weight. It is used as a dietary supplement to speed up the slimming process. Athletes are used in order to build muscle mass.
L-carnitine functions:
burns fats;
increases physical endurance;
reduces the level of fatigue;
increasing muscle mass (has anabolic properties);
normalizes cholesterol indicators;
helps in restoring the muscles after training;
suppresses sense of hunger;
saves glycogen reserves after loads
The daily need of the body in L-carnitine is up to 0.5 g. But with enhanced mental and especially physical exertion, the norm increases to 2 g. The substance is contained in cottage cheese, sprouts of wheat, chicken meat, fish and other products rich in protein. To fill the lack of L-carnitine in the body, use dietial supplies with a substance content.
Take dietary supplements of L-carnitine for the purpose of weight loss. This is advisable and effectively only in the case of a combination of drug intake and intense regular aerobic loads (running, fitness, dances, cardion loads). Also during the use of Bada, you can not sit on diets or use low-calorie products. The diet should be a full, rich protein food. It is better to eat fractionally: often, but gradually. Without physical training and balanced nutrition, the reception of levocarnitine will lead to the opposite effect: the appetite will increase, the metabolism will decrease, the fat in the body will accumulate.
The preparation of the drug athletes is effective: helps to increase muscle mass, increases myocardial metabolism, minimizes muscle injuries, increases endurance. L-carnitine is compatible with other sports drugs. Accepted in an enlarged dosage.
Dosage of Buda is selected taking into account the state of human health, the purpose of the reception, the level of physical exertion. Usually in the form of a syrup take three times a day of 5 ml. Professional athletes are encouraged to take a one-time 15 ml half an hour before training. The reception duration is 1.5 months. Repeated course can be passed no earlier than after 3 weeks.
In the form of tablets or capsules take 250-500 mg twice a day, for athletes - up to 1500 mg in one reception before playing sports. When preparing for championships, coaches prescribe one-time "shock" doses - up to 15 g per day. The duration of reception of levocarnin tablets is from 2 to 6 months. You can repeat the course in 2 months. It is allowed up to 6 courses per year.
Before applying L-carnitine, you must consult with a specialist: a doctor or sports trainer. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination and choose the dosage of the drug necessary for the goal. It is more efficient to take on an empty stomach and / or before physical training.
I am usually l-carnitine (I have SportExpert) I accept in front of the tren ...