How to take uterine milk

How to take uterine milk

The uterine milk is a unique beekeeping product, which at a certain period is distinguished by young bees for mother liquor. Outwardly, it looks like a creamy mass of light beige or milk color, sweet taste, slightly gives back sour and burns a little. The process of mining uterine milk is very laborious, therefore it is also called "royal jelly". It is also associated with a huge number of useful medical ingredients included in its composition. Almost all kinds of diseases can be cured or slowed down, using this natural substance. We learn how to properly take this miraculous drug.

Purpose of uterine milk

Take milk is useful both to people with certain diseases and absolutely healthy to strengthen general immunity. A complex of therapeutic capabilities of this substance beats all records in modern medicine. The nutritional mixture will help strengthen the cardiovascular system, is indispensable in the prevention of tumors, stops the growth of cancer cells, normalizes the regenerative function, improves the metabolism, creates the balance of sugar in the blood, restores the nervous system, removes harmful substances, improves memory and much more. That is, after receiving the uterine milk, a complete reboot of the body and the restoration of the previously lost forces occurs. Felt cheerfulness and cheerfulness, fatigue goes along with all diseases. Contraindications for use are small: acutely pronounced chronic infectious or oncological disease, as well as a symptom of Addison.

Features of admission

When buying, it is necessary to know that milk can be adsorbed, that is, being in capsules in the form of a powder. It is less likely to find a native milk in a liquid state. Native milk is much more effective, since it has not been subjected to a number of treatments as its adsorbent. But the shelf life of the capsules is much higher, so they are practical.

The healing agent must be taken twice a day, namely in the morning before breakfast and at noon before dinner. In the evening it is not recommended to do this, because excitability can increase, and you can get problems with sleep. Be sure to come to the reception you need to rinse the oral water of the oral cavity. At least twenty minutes before meals, put a tablet or a spoon with a liquid milk under the tongue, wait until it dissolves. After time, proceed to the meal.

It is not recommended to brush the teeth before accepting the milk, it is better to make this procedure after breakfast. For adults, the dosage will vary in the range from 40 to 60 milligrams of native milk for one reception. The capsules will be required five times more, since the contents in them are milk - no more than 20%. Increased dosages in particularly complex diseases may also be assigned. In this case, over a hundred milligram fluid is bought. The recovery rate lasts a month, after it two months should be resting from the drug.


For children, the medicine is no less useful than for adults. Even from the first days of life, it can raise the weight and improve the immunity of a premature newborn baby. For this, the kids are made by microclides with this substance, and it absorbs in the thick intestine. The tool also has a beneficial effect on sleep, the child becomes calmer, and also suffers less colitis.

Older children give a teaspoon of a one-surplus mixture of honey with milk throughout the year. This supplement will become particularly useful, as the body will correctly configure the body for the exam, increases attention, update the forces, will accelerate the memorization of school material. The child will be less complaining about health, less frequently skip the lessons due to viral infections in the autumn-winter period. It will always feel cheerful and full of energy. Naturally, his physical and mental capabilities will be developed more.

To date, the royal milk is one of the most unique funds that provides the maximum effect on improving human health. It is advisable to take it all, but be sure to enjoy the above rules. In addition, the agent is part of many therapeutic and cosmetic drugs, so we can say that we are already actively accepting it, without even guessing it, but in a meager quantity. Replenish health, beauty and youth with the help of royal milk!

Comments leave a comment
Natalia 03/11/2015 at 14:19

Please tell me the dose and in what form it is better to give to children. Older 6.5 years, younger 2.5 years. I have it stored in the ampoule in the freezer.

Varya 08/13/2018 at 18:23

Very good uterine milk prolongs the period of the location. Milk for the baby became a few months old Do not enter and all the more do not move on the mixture.

Valentina 11/11/2018 at 9:29

Hello Michael. Money diseases are psoriasis 40 43 years old and diabetes 9 years I am 63 years old. All treatments to no avail. Here I want to try the milk. Booked. It is in my granules, but they are unequal. Please give recommendations for use. They have a term. I bought a long time in 17th. Thanks !


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