Linen oil for weight loss, how to take

Linen oil for weight loss, how to take

V how The secret of linseed oil? In this product, there are no components that can dissolve fats and quickly output them from the body. However, getting into the stomach together with food, Omega-3 substances and fatty acids cause a feeling of satiety and satisfaction. Exchange processes are activated, cholesterol level is reduced, strengthen vessels. The key to success lies in the right way.

Start the morning from a glass of water and a tablespoon of linseed oil. After 30 minutes, we have breakfast with oat flakes. In the evening, before bedtime, drink half a cup warm boiled Water, then a tablespoon of flax oil.

It is worth noting that not every linseed oil is useful. Buy only that product that is not passed industrial processing and was produced Through cold pressing. Such oil bring The benefit, cure the sick stomach and digestive organs, will contribute to weight loss.

Natural oil does not have a long shelf life and for sale v dark Glass ass. It is quickly oxidized, purre and becomes bitter. The biological activity of such a product is able to replace all animals and vegetable useful fats. Having essential acids for the body Omega-3 I. Omega-6 contributes to full-fledged ensure Systems of synthesis products of vital activity.


For Slimming is enough to drink flaxseed oil according to the above scheme. Besides, Adhere to balanced nutrition, refuse fat, fried products. Limit the use of sweet and flour. Linen oil refuel salads, side dishes, add to the first dishes.

Linen oil Take a course in 1 1.5 months. After that give your body to relax and rebuilt on the offline work. If extra kilograms do not return back, then you did everything right. Now the main task is not return To the same power regime and not to clog the organism again.


TO The use of flaxseed oils exist contraindications:

  • gastric ulcer or gastritis;
  • liver obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • violation of the cell structure;
  • high coagulation blood;
  • polyps and cysts of the uterus;
  • gallgamed disease.

As it has already become clear, linseed oil can be replaced with the usual sunflower if you refuel salads or side dishes. Do not try on nem. Fry products - the taste will be no, but there is no benefit. Prepare consultation from the doctor and find out if you have contraindications. Do not abuse the product!

Comments leave a comment 14/01/2016 at 17:00

Thank you so much for advice! Today I bought linseed oil in the pharmacy. I start drinking according to the scheme.

To answer
Victoria 09/07/2018 at 12:34

Oh, I tried to drink this flaxseed ... Rare is rare ((I threw a bottle in the end. For me it is so better to extract omega 3 of fish oil. I drink in capsules Triple Evalarovskaya Omhega 3 and I generally try to add fish at least once a week.

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