Linen seed - benefit and harm how to take

Linen seed - benefit and harm how to take

There are plants that help a person get rid of many diseases. Among them - and the seed of flax. Flax - the plant is unique, the stalks are used in the production of fabric, and the seeds make medicinal and cosmetic drugs, used in cooking. The seed of flax is added to the dishes to make the finished product not only a special taste, but also improve well-being.

Linen seed - what is the composition?

If you pour a handful of seeds on the table, then several tens of thousands of seeds will fit in 100 g. In each seed, there is a lot of lifeful strength that improves well-being. As part of the flax seeds contains omega-3 and lignin. These components are responsible for youth, beauty and excellent well-being. Only in these seeds contain a record number of these substances.

The composition of the linen seed is also present:

  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • fatty acid;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • starch, carbohydrates, dietary fiber.

Linen seed - benefit

The benefits of the flax seed can be spent on the clock, we allocate the main one:

  • removes toxins and harmful substances from the body;
  • struggles with parasites;
  • diluted blood;
  • preventive tool for the formation of thromboms;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • neutralizes harmful cholesterol;
  • reduces the risk of cancer cells;
  • protection of nerve cells, prevention of mental disorders, preventing depressive states after delivery;
  • it helps to establish the intestinal work, eliminates constipation;
  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • reduces inflammatory processes of the urogenital system.

Damage to linen semen

It is believed that if we use the seeds of flax in the reasonable limits, it does not hurt the body. Daily dose 20-25

Absolute contraindications:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • with endometritis, polycystic and fibromy of the uterus;
  • prostate tumor;
  • stones in the gall and bladder.

Flask seed causes allergies, so it is necessary to take flax seeds and not exceed the specified dosage. With primary reception, bloated and meteorism is possible. If these symptoms are present, then you need to reduce the dosage so that the body gets used to gradually.

How to take linen seed

The flax seed is taken in crushed form, and the seed is chopped before use. It is possible to crush the seeds in a powder in advance and you can store them in a closed container, but when contacting air, oxidation processes begin and the product loses useful properties.

The preventive dose is 5 g per day, therapeutic - from 20 g.

How to take flax seed:

  • stirring with a dairy product to strengthen the body and get rid of accumulated kilograms. On 100 g of the fermented milk product added 1 tsp. Seeds, insist for 20 minutes. Taken in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • how to make a decoction of flax seed for cleaning the body: 1 tbsp. The seed is poured with 500 ml just soaked water, heats up on slow heat for 30 minutes. Then the decoction should be pouring into the jar, wrap in a towel, leave up to complete cooling. Take a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. In the decoction you can add pomegranate juice, cherry, lemon;
  • kissel from flax seeds are prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. The seed is poured 0.5 liters of boiling water, night is insisted (8 ČSS). Seeds can be crushed, then you can insist for 3 hours. Honey, sugar are added to the drink, water. Contraindication: acute pancreatitis. Adopted for the treatment of gastritis and ulcerative diseases, constipation, intestinal disorders;
  • how to cook infusion from seeds: 3 tbsp. Seeds fall asleep in thermos (1 l), poured boiling water. Insist for 3 hours, pressed, take 150 g before eating for half an hour;
  • for prophylaxis: It is necessary to grind in a coffee grinder 3 tbsp. Seeds, mix 1 tbsp. liquid honey, take 3 times a day for 1 tsp.


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