Electronic cigarette harm and benefit

Electronic cigarette harm and benefit

The electronic cigarette is another invention of humanity, designed to save it from tobacco captivity. Hardly appearing, she immediately made a sound in the ranks of smokers, non-smoking and those who watch their health, that is, doctors. Let us try and we figure out what is actually an electronic cigarette, in which its benefits or harm for the human body.

Let's start with what an electronic cigarette is. E-cigaretteas it is customary to call on the American manner from e.-cigarette, externally represents a real cigarette imitation. However, during her smoking, not tobacco smoke stands out, but steam. This pair is generated inside the device and consists of 4-5 substances, in contrast to the real cigarette, the smoke of which accommodates about 4,000 components. The pair of e-cigarette includes food propylene glycol and glycerin, water and flavors. At the same time, nicotine can be added to the main composition of the pair in different concentrations, but there is also negotinovy e-cigarettes. Therefore, not only the smoking process itself is simulated, but also taste sensations from it, similar to the taste nicotine-containing cigarettes. And thanks to flavors, this taste can also be diverse.

Learn more in more detail on the composition of the liquid e-cigarettes. All listed components are known here and well studied, which you can not say about the composition of cigarette smoke. Thus, propylene glycol, which is widely used in food and cosmetology products, is used in electronic cigarette in order to create the effect of the cigarette fortress in the throat in smoking. Glycerin, no less popular industrial component, here performs the role of a steam amplifier. Water B. e-cigarettes Softens their taste, and the flavors attach them a certain taste.

Now consider the advantages of this electronic cigarette substitute. First, when smoking e-cigarettes The organism of the smoking is like this necessary nicotine, but more securely. That is, without a dangerous stretch of resin, carcinogens and other unsafe substances for the body, as it happens when smoking ordinary cigarette. Secondly, the e-cigarette pairs have a smaller temperature than the smoke from the usual cigarette, so nicotine is not so actively learned by light smokers. Thirdly,   smoke from the electron does not smell and that harmful composition, therefore it is not hazards for passive smokers and removes restrictions on smoking areas. And, fourth, the electronic cigarette allows you to gradually be from smoking, without throwing the process itself, that is, psychologically more painless.

But this useful device and disadvantages have. The most important of them can be called what they still contain nicotine (in the case of nicotine-containing Compositions), and, therefore, have a negative impact on the organism of smokers. Another nuance: smoke e-cigarettes Softer for the throat, and the cigarette itself does not decrease during smoking, so nicotine from it for one smoking process can be obtained more than usual, without even noticing it. In addition, relatively safe flavors and propylene glycol can cause allergic reactions in people with increased sensitivity to these substances.

Given the above, if you use an electronic cigarette precisely to get rid of nicotine addiction, the optimal option will be a gradual transition to liquids (compositions)  with everything more smaller nicotine content. Sharp transition immediately on negotinovy Formulations usually do not lead to the long-awaited result, with the exception of people with psychological dependence on smoking. The opinion of doctors about electronic cigarettes we offer to learn from the video below.

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