Fish Grease - Benefits and Harm

Fish Grease - Benefits and Harm

An animal fat derived from the liver of cod and providing humanity an indispensable product used as a nutritional supplement (white or purified yellow fat) and as a lubricant in industry (brown), called fish oil. In our article we will touch on the topic of fish oil, which is used to receive inside the medical testimony.

Fish fat is a substance, in appearance resembling vegetable fat, which is characterized by a higher density, specific, characteristic even for purified product, distinctive smell and taste. For medical purposes is used in capsuated form and in the form of fluid.

Fish fat is unique due to the useful substances contained in it (polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3 are not synthesized by our organism), which are indispensable for the full development and operation of all human body systems. It includes calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E and D, iron, zinc, phosphorus, iodine.

The benefits of fish oil are indisputable, it is proved scientifically and practically. Vitamins A and E, contained in large quantities in this valuable product, contribute to the restoration of vision, mucous membranes of the whole organism, hair, nails, skin cells. They support the proper state of the emotional and immune system, helping to resist depressions, irritation, viral and bacterial infections. For the growing children's body, Vitamin D plays an important role in the processes of development and functioning of the nervous system, the growth of dental enamel and the formation of bone tissues.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids that are part of fish fat are superbly acting on the hormonal state of the body and well accelerate the metabolism, which contributes to a more rapid splitting of fats without compliance with tedious loads and exhausting diets. Fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism, they take part in all biochemical reactions, in the processes of formation of cell membranes, neurons, vessels, joints, connective and bone tissues.

Despite all the benefits of fish fat, there are some restrictions for its consumption:

  • Discard the product if you are taking drugs that reduce blood pressure. Substances included in fish oil may contribute to an uncontrolled reduction in blood pressure.
  • The use of this useful food additive in endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus) should be under the strict control of the relevant specialist.
  • Do not give fish oil to children of chest and preschool age without medical purposes.
  • Homeopathic preparations and other medicinal substances in sharing with fish oil can show themselves in the form of complications of concomitant diseases. Tell your doctor about all the preparations you have received.

From the reception of fish oil it is necessary to refuse to people prone to allergic manifestations of seafood, urinary or bile sickness, for diseases of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis and cardiovascular pathology (blood coagulation disorders).

Use only high-quality fish oil in the correct dosage and in medical testimony. Do not forget that the uncontrolled reception of this product can lead to completely non-positive results.

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Bulakna 08/24/2018 at 11:17

i have Omega-3 from the Anti-Age line (Evalar). I buy it for it, since Fish fat BASF is contained - the quality is good and the more brand is known. But there are different dosages, depending on what you need. And the line of anti-aging is cool)

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Olya 06/17/2019 at 17:29

And I wrote an officer dopperkelz doctor in the appointment, said that with my heredity, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, this important element must be taken. And I am an obedient patient, I perform all recommendations.

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