Fat -soluble vitamins

Fat -soluble vitamins

Vitamins are substances without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. In this case, these elements are absorbed only in the presence of the necessary environment - water or lipid. Vitamins that dissolve in oils are called fat -soluble.

There are five fat -soluble vitamins in total. These include A, E, K, D, F. With improper nutrition and prolonged diet in the body, there is a lack of fats, respectively, these substances will not be absorbed.

Fat -soluble vitamins

Retinol helps to improve immunity and prevents the body's susceptibility to colds. In foods such as liver, sea fish and beans, vitamin A is already contained in a “finished” form. That is, there is no need to eat additional fat. But carrots, blueberries and pumpkin contains beta-carotene, which turns into retinol in the body. But for its complete absorption, it is necessary to supplement vegetables and fruits with vegetable oil.

Fat -soluble vitamins

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. It is contained in cereals, vegetable oils and eggs. There are a large amount of fat in these products, so there is no need to additionally refuel products with oil. Tokoferol is well absorbed with retinol and prevents its oxidation. That is why pharmaceutical companies produce Aevit, a complex that consists of tocopherol and retinol.

Fat -soluble vitamins

Vitamin D has an anticocorogenic effect. In some cases, at the initial stages of malignant neoplasms, it is possible to stop the growth of the tumor using cholecalciferol. It blocks the vessels of the "sick" cells - and the tumor disappears. That is why this substance is recommended not only to children for the prevention of rickets, but also to women to prevent breast cancer. Vitamin D can be produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight. But in eggs, milk and butter, there is also a lot of this substance. Calcium is not absorbed without cholecalciferol, which is why rickets occur in children, and adults have osteoporosis.

Fat -soluble vitamins

Vitamin K is little known, since it is produced in large quantities in the digestive tract. With intestinal diseases, a deficiency of this substance can be observed. To replenish it, it is necessary to eat green salad, Brussels cabbage and eggs. If you notice that your gums bleed or blood is poorly curled up, perhaps this is due to the lack of vitamin K.

Fat -soluble vitamins

People with cardiovascular diseases suffer from a lack of vitamin F. This is a specific group of unsaturated fatty acids, which are found in vegetable oil. Moreover, it is not necessary to use olive oil, it can be replaced with a mixture of linseed and sunflower. In its composition, such a mixture is ideal for the body, as it contains a large amount of vitamin F.

Fat -soluble vitamins

All fat -soluble vitamins are found in cell membranes and subcutaneous fat. That is why these substances are led out from the body for a long time. With an overdose, serious disorders from the gastrointestinal tract and liver are possible. Take these substances only as prescribed by a doctor.

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