Vitamins for eyes

Vitamins for eyes

The lack of vitamins affects all organism systems. Vision is no exception. To correct the problem, it is necessary to monitor its power and include in the diet of the reception of vitamin complexes.

The most important vitamins for the eyes are retinol, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, tocopherol, as well as group vitamins V. Each of them is contained in certain foods. Now we will look at the list in more detail.

Vitamin A. His lack is very felt when it becomes difficult to look at items with poor lighting or in complete darkness. The visual acuity can gradually decline until its full loss in the evening. This is called chicken blindness. Also, vitamin deficiency badly affects the cornea - it can over time to turn into Belmo. To avoid these problems, turn on in your diet carrots, butter, sour cream, liver, milk, eggs, cream, greens, as well as various vegetables and fruits. It is in these products that contains Vitamin A.

Vitamin B2. With a lack of vitamin B2, heavily arises in the eyes, the mucous membrane is inflated, the fatigue of the eyes increases. Useful element is contained in meat, fish, peas, spinach, green onions, liver, cauliflower, dill, eggs. So that it digested well, consume enough protein. When the eyes receive vitamin, you will feel that they will start to perceive the colors and see in the dark, in one word - will become Zurche.

Vitamin E. is a natural antioxidant. Reduces the risk of the occurrence and development of cataracts and is very useful for retinal dystrophy. It is predominantly in vegetable oils, soybeans, almonds, spinach, peas, sunflower seeds, broccoli, greenery, celery. Take care so that these products come into your diet.

Vitamin B6 and B12. The first is a natural tranquilizer. With its disadvantage, the syndrome of the "twigging eye" occurs. Located in cabbage, corn, fish and yolk. Vitamin B12 normalizes blood supply, which is also very important for eye health. Contained in various berries, dates, parsley, yolk, apricots, salad.

Vitamin C and R. The first has the property to strengthen the blood vessels to which the capillaries of the eyes are. The lack of vitamin C can lead to the hemorrhage into the retina, as a result of which conjunctivitis will arise. Vitamin also significantly reduces the risk of cataracts. Its source is cabbage, radishes, currant, sea buckthorn, strawberry, dill, dried rosehip fruits, sorrel, green onion, blueberries, citrus, parsley, sauerkraut. Vitamin P also strengthens the capillaries and reduces the permeability of the vascular wall. Contained in various berries, oranges, peppers, lemon.

Folk remedies. A very effective means is fresh carrot juice with honey. In a glass of carrot juice, add 1 tsp. Natural honey. It is also permissible to mix with carrot juice from parsley, chicory or celery. One of the juices must be mixed in equal proportions with carrots. Take a mixture daily for a month.

Supplements. Please note that vitamins lose useful properties with severe heat treatment. To preserve them, vegetables and fruits are recommended not to boil. It is permissible to fill them with boiling water and wrap. Thus, boiling time will become minimal. Note that the beneficial substances may not be worried when the organism is seized and the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have these problems, first of all deal with them. In addition to food, take vitamins in the form of special complexes. This path is more efficient and affordable.

Our vision reflects the state of health as a whole. Therefore, it is very important strengthen immunity and fill the lack of useful substances in the body. Do not get carried away with vitamins for vision too much - give preference to complex products to maintain immunity and secure the result with a course of special vitamins for the eyes.

Comments leave a comment
Diana 08/19/2018 at 15:51

Who will advise vitamins for the eyes, the vision to deteriorate the beginning, very worried.

Anastasia Vulikina 20/08/2018 at 12:18.

Diana, and did the doctor have? Still, such questions are better in the doctor's office to decide, and not on the Internet) I will write about your experience, it's not a pity. I am a complex of Okuvat Forte was appointed to maintain visual acuteness, I do not feel deterioration, it is already happy. Write later that in the end you will take.

Angela 08/10/2019 at 14:48.

From the vitamins only A and E I accept, but in obligatory mannik, Forte from Evalar Pugh. Probably, due to the fact that all this is combining-vision and keeps good. Although genetics in this plan is not very much - all the blindmen in the family.


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