Vitamins for children

Vitamins for children

Vitamins - a guarantee of good health and longevity. The lack of vitamins, as well as their oversupply, may cause serious chronic diseases. How to ensure the kid by all the necessary elements? Do I need to give synthetic vitamins? Let's deal with together.

The need for vitamins of a children's body is significantly different from the needs of an adult, and the main reasons for that three:

  1. The growing baby in the body proceeds many processes that are not observed in adults: intensive growth, formation of organs and tissues.
  2. The exchange processes of the child are much more intense.
  3. The children's body does not yet have such vitamin stocks as an adult.

Pediatricians believe that with the right nutritional organization of the child, there is no need for additional vitamin complexes. Remember that providing children with vitamins is not so difficult. For example, the daily rate of vitamin C is just two apples plus a bit of vegetables. And replenish the stock of vitamin A can a piece of liver or one raw carrot. In addition, in vegetables and fruits, vitamins are contained in a complex with other substances that increase their digestibility and utility. So, natural products are much preferable to multivitamine preparations. Therefore, if your child is good and diverse feeds on, cheerful and well, worry about the lack of vitamins is not necessary.

It is quite different things to children who are sick with sharp or chronic diseases. During the illness, the child's body is experiencing an increased load, respectively, the need for vitamins increases, but their receipt is just the opposite - decreases due to poor appetite or a forced diet. In this case, multivitamin complexes will help quickly cope with the disease and speed up the recovery process after. Also, synthetic vitamins are desirable to accept children with disturbed workbar or dysbacteriosis. This is due to the fact that the bulk of the vitamins is absorbed along with food precisely in the gastrointestinal tract, and some, such as D, N, K, and part of the vitamins of the group B, and the microflora of the intestine of the person are completely synthesized.

It does not always have a need for a comprehensive adoption of vitamins, in some cases just add only separate vitamin. Thus, Vitamin D pediatricians are prescribed to the kids on breastfeeding necessarily, because Mamino Milochenko cannot provide a child with this vitamin to the fullest, especially for autumn and winter children. In the case of a reduced hemoglobin at a child in a complex with iron preparations or separately, depending on the tests of analyzes, B9 and B12 vitamins can be assigned, as anemia does not always be iron deficient.

Regardless of the reasons that caused the need to adopt synthetic vitamins, such drugs can be assigned to a child only after the pediatrician consultation. Only a specialist can correctly pick up a complex, given the condition of the child, his diet and heredity. It is especially careful to approach the choice of vitamins for children, which are not yet fully translated into the home meal. In most cases, industrial food products are enriched with vitamins, and additional reception can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Proper and balanced nutrition is the key to the children's body of all necessary vitamins. And in case of need, the selection of synthetic vitamins should be carried out by a specialist with accounting of all factors. And then your kids will be healthy and happy.

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Masha 08/11/2018 at 7:54.

We are immuno we give the daughter immunity to strengthen + even additionally hardening practicing and try to run in the morning all together ... This is probably a very important approach ... Thanks to him and more rarely)

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