Coniferous baths for children

Coniferous baths for children

Baths, fragrant cheese, are beneficial for children. They belong to therapeutic, help to quickly cure toddlers from the cold, soothing too excitable, increase the overall tone and immunity. They are good and as prevention. We will tell you about the beneficial properties of coniferous baths, about being - when and how to take them.

If your child sleeps badly, susceptible to frequent colds, has trouble with breathing tracks, experiencing some pain, then the coniferous bath is simply necessary for him. Doctor she will not replace, but to anesthetically, calm, return a good sleep, replenish the vital energy - may well. So drain the raw material for coniferous infusion so that you can always use it.

If you brew your chew in pure form, then it takes a lot - 0.5 kg on the bath. We prepare infusion as follows:

  • we take a cheva and put it in a bucket or a saucepan;
  • pour water;
  • put on fire and boil about 30 minutes;
  • insist hours 10-12;
  • focus and pour the entire prepared solution into a large bath;
  • if it is a children's bath, it is enough and 1 liter.

Yanuz Caucas benefits

It is more convenient to use the powder from the needles, and the essential oils in this case are faster dissolved in water. And to get it, do this:

  • we take coniferous collection and carry before the powder state;
  • brewing in very hot water - 98 degrees;
  • insist 2.5 hours at room temperature;
  • cooking the healing bath, pouring a solution into water with a temperature not higher than 38 degrees;
  • we bathe the child in such a bathroom for 15 minutes.

Another option is possible - buying a finished coniferous extract in the pharmacy. The utility in it is, of course, less than in the natural needle, but the troubles are not so much. Sold in liquid form, in briquettes and tablets. It is consumed economically - a bath is enough 100 ml, 80 g of briquette or 2 tablets if the extract is solid. We begin to bathe a child at a temperature not higher than 38 degrees. Further, the water will naturally cool down, but do not allow its cooling more than 3 degrees, otherwise instead of therapeutic effect we get the opposite result.

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For the treatment of a child from Rachita, hypotrophy, respiratory diseases and heart diseases, doctors recommend from 15 to 20 courses of coniferous baths with 1-day breaks between each session. If, fortunately, these ailments went around your child's party, do not refuse such an excellent opportunity to improve the state of the child's immune system. But do not take anything yourself. Enlighten with the support of the specialist, because it happens that the body of a small person negatively reacts to a cheva.

Watch a very carefully for the child in the bathroom, especially if it is infant. It can heat the water, and it is extremely undesirable. As for the time for such procedures, the best is the evening, an hour before the child goes to sleep. So if you are going to brew natural chew, then start cooking in the morning, then he is just imagining. Useful to add sea salt in the conifer.

And in conclusion: Baths with a cheese - a natural, effective means of treatment and prevention. They are very helpful for children. The main thing is to consider this issue in order not to add problems.

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