How to clean your ears a child

How to clean your ears a child

Ear - a body that is responsible for the perception of sounds. It is very important to follow the hygiene ears in children. Maintain cleanliness needs to be correct to avoid any complications and chronic diseases.

First of all, it is necessary to know that the peculiarity of the ears is the ability to self-cleaning. Inside ear sink sulfur and sebaceous glands are designed to protect against infections and insects. Therefore, when cleaning the ears, the main thing is to damage anything.

In the process of self-purification of the glands, discharges are formed, which accumulate in ear sinks. Allocations have a yellowish color and sticky consistency. You can remove the resulting dirt during a bathing of a child. Wipe only the visible sections of the outer ear with a piece of cotton wool moistened in warm water. To wool did not get into the ear, wrap it in a piece of gauze.

No case penetrate your hands with your fingers or cotton wand inside the ear cavity. This can lead to closure and accumulation of sulfur, resulting in sulfur tubes. Also increases the likelihood of damage to the auditory apparatus and the occurrence of chronic otites.

If the child has a worsened rumor, put the ears or unnecessary sounds, then urgently contact the clinic. Physician otolaryngologist will inspect and remove the accumulated sulfur special device.

As a rule, cleaning the ears of the child is required once a week. At the same time, only the purification of the outer part of the ears is carried out. The health of the ears depends on the amount of sulfur, do not allow her flushing and do not contribute to it.

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