What itchies eye

What itchies eye

Living in a technically and intellectually developed world, we still believe folk signs. What is it connected with? Most likely, the people are subconsciously based on simple life values: strong relationships in the family, love, well-being, health. And if suddenly a person has moved the road a black cat or crossed her grandmother with an empty bucket, he will never go this path further. And suddenly the trouble will happen in which neither knowledge of the most advanced computer programs, nor the phenomenal memory per poems.

One of these will take on how people pay attention to, there are signs "what the eye itches will be drawn." Since the eyes of a person two, then the interpretation of signs should be relatively right and left eye.

It is believed that the right eye itches to tears and chagrin. But the same people's experience says that the right eye itches and more pleasant events: to the long-awaited meeting, to a date with a loved one, to joy. By the way, because the tears may be from joy. So, if you got the right eye, hope that pleasant events will ignore sad.

But about the left eye, folk wisdom is not so optimistic. It is assumed that it is saczy to a very serious quarrel with tears. At the same time, a combed left eye can mean unexpected news (the main thing is that they be pleasant), money (let them not decrease, but arrive). And the left eye itches to good luck.

If any signs are related to humor and optimism, then in any, even the very bad one can find positive moments. So do not really trust the negative interpretation of one or another note event, and believe only in good.

And the last one - if the eyes are kept constantly, then it is better not to think "why would it be?", But to visit an ophthalmologist. The doctor will surely find out the cause and appoint adequate treatment.

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Anna. 08/27/2018 at 10:35.

Itchies eyes, well, personally, to conjunctivitis (((this is always the first symptom.

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Angelina 08/09/2018 at 17:33

Yes, itching and red-first symptoms of conjunctivitis. I even feel immediately when this nasty sore occurs. Therefore, running on the pharmacy, I buy flocksal drops and with eyes in a week of treatment everything is in order.

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Irina 27/05/2020 at 17:20

I got my eyes and sick, when I scratched it with his branch .. I remember very unpleasant.

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Oksana 05/31/2020 at 14:35

Have you treated your eyes anyway? Or has passed itself? I just had such a situation, I even remember to the doctor, he recommended Kornergel, he has decantenol in the composition that for healing the cornea goes great.

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