What to do if i'm ugly

What to do if i'm ugly

It was found that more than 4/5 of the world's population are dissatisfied with their appearance, and 1/5 consider themselves ugly. Psychologists say that people with stable psyche must love and accept yourself for who he is. But the reality is completely different. What do people who do not consider themselves to be attractive? In this article, we'll reveal the answer to this question.

It is important to understand that beauty and grooming are equivalent. Take a woman with a normal appearance. If she really takes care of herself - she looks like one hundred percent. It has been repeatedly proven by the examples of many stars. In this case, the vast majority of people would call her beautiful. Grooming always catches the eye. We are talking about a beautiful figure, neatness, ability to pick up clothes, hair and makeup. The same goes for men. It is also important to know that the concept of beauty is relative. If you only pay attention to appearance, the opinions of many people may disagree. What pleases one person may not like the other, and vice versa.

Surely many people have been cases where people apparently did not cause them any emotion, but on closer dialogue, beginning to like. This is because most people perceive the image of the whole person, not just the appearance. They may not be aware of this report, but it happens that way. There are self-confident people and uncertain. The difference is that the former consider themselves worthy of the best. They do not allow themselves to be treated disrespectfully - is this and draw. Surrounding feel their position with regard to themselves and begin to feel for him the same emotions.

When meeting and communicating the exterior does not occupy the main place. Many people think so, but if you dig a little deeper, it turns out that things are different. Most people want to see next to an interesting, self-motivated, confident and colorful personalities. It is a fact. People who have these qualities, look beautiful in the eyes of others. It is therefore important to work on these qualities and do not forget to take care of their appearance. For better clarity, give examples.

Adriano has never stood out for its appearance. Nevertheless, many women go through it with the mind. Why is this happening? Almost every film actor behaves very confidently and courageously. That is what attracts women. Take the other currently popular actors - Ian Somerhalder and Matt Bomer. As a result, the survey revealed that at the initial stage, they have not made much of an impression on the girls. All the matter in the roles that these actors have got - the girl fell in love with the image. It is necessary to pay attention to the way in which they are endowed by nature in his films - everything falls into place. Another example - Liv Tyler. She never considered herself beautiful, but is the idol of millions of fans. In her case, it plays an important role personal charm.

People who consider themselves to be ugly, are the same in the eyes of others. The point is that thinking about their appearance, the person starts to behave in accordance with your thoughts. It is important to prevent bad thoughts in the bud and to work on their self-esteem. You need to stop looking at the standards and pay attention to your personality. Many people have turned it into its own flavor. First of all, we should believe in themselves. Learn to take it easy for any errors. It is they, and lessons learned to help us grow and move on. Work on improving its confidence. Read about it, watch a video, listen to lectures, practice of obtaining advice in everyday life. Picking up their self-esteem, you will be able to get rid of the obsession, "I'm ugly."

Appearance does play a big role, but it is more about the ability to care for themselves and present right in the eyes of others. Healthy love and self-respect, as well as enthusiasm for their work, to make a person at least attractive to other people.

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