That Wang predicted

That Wang predicted

Wangelia Pandaeva Gushterov is known to us as a clearness of Vang, the predictions of which live fantastically and after her death. Prophecies of this amazing woman are often foggy. And Wang's words continue to be treated by experts. To date, there are many of her prunes that came true. And the same forecasts were not realized.

From the predictions that have become a reality, the most significant can be called the following:

  1. Vanga predicted the death of Stalin, and after 6 months, the leader left for the specified date of the date. For this, the prophecy of the Claws was arrested and imprisoned.
  2. John Kennedy's death was also announced. 4 months before his death, Wang was foreseen that an attempt would be committed for the president.
  3. One of the most amazing was the prophecy of flooding submarine "Kursk". At that time, few people believed the words of a woman. After all, the prediction sounded like this: "Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn." Of course, imagine the whole city under water was very difficult. After 2 years, the atomic submarine was sank with the name "Kursk".
  4. For more than 10 years, Wang has foreseen and catastrophe September 11 in the United States. According to her, two American brothers skimpped with iron birds should have fallen. So it happened: the twin towers were collapsed by airplanes.
  5. The provisions with an accuracy of the day called the date of his death - August 11, 1996.

Wange also attribute words about the collapse of the USSR, the defeat of Hitler, the beginning of the Second World War, such diseases, like cow's rabies, pork and bird flu. The accuracy of these predictions has not been proven.

Regarding the prophecies for 2015, expert opinions were divided. Since Intrividian never touched its predictions in a specific form, you can find a variety of interpretation of her words. 2015, promised a prisoner, put an end to many military conflicts around the world, and the threat of world war will retreat. Some reconciliation of different peoples are expected, as well as religious denominations. Specialists can not exactly bind the words of Vanga to a specific year, but many details of her predictions indicate that it was in 2015 the ocean will cover a significant part of the sushi. Many countries of Europe, South America, South of Asia will be under water. In this regard, the migration of people in the northern regions of the United States, Canada, Russia.

According to the interpretation of the words of the Wisdom, the end of the world for the people of the Earth is expected after the 5th millennium from the Nativity of Christ. Prior to this, humanity will survive as a peak of a heyday and a complete decline, right up to return to the cave lifestyle. Wanta predicts the disappearance of any intolerance between people, as well as the transition of society to a new level of world view. Incredible discoveries in science are waiting for humanity: from resettlement to a cybernetic body before creating an artificial sun and time machine. By the middle of the 5th millennium Vanga foreshadows a man with God.

Believe it or not all these predictions are a separate selection of each. Hundreds of prediments of the leader were documented. The video captured, as and what Vang reports. However, all the forecasts of Claws are so blurred that dozens of interpretations generate.

Vantiya Vangi is a striking phenomenon that we continue to observe and after the departure of the prison from this world. Unfortunately, the prophecies are so unclear that their meaning is often increasing only after their execution. Argued with the fact that it was an outstanding, insightful, wise woman, not everyone will take away.

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