What dreams of the funeral already a deceased person

What dreams of the funeral already a deceased person

It is difficult to guess which dream will dream at night. Dreams associated with death are left in the morning an unpleasant feeling in the shower. Did you dream of a funeral of a deceased relative or acquaintance? Let's try to figure out what is a disturbing dream.

What dreams of the funeral of the deceased person is being shot - interpretation of sleep in various dreams

Sleep in which you again buried the deceased person, anxious and unpleasant. Contact your dreams for help, and you will learn what a dream. His interpretation on popular dreambooks as follows:

  • dream Miller. If in a dream, you buried the deceased relative on a sunny day - a kind sign. Good luck and luck in affairs. But if in a dream, the funeral of a relative or friend goes into a cloudy and rainy weather - a sign of the disease and unlikely in life;
  • dream Vangu. If you had already dreamed of the dead people in the coffin - to analyze their attitude towards this person in his life and how appreciated it and loved;
  • dream of flowers. The presence at the funeral of the deceased person means a quick positive completion of important cases. Excellent if the weather was good;
  • dream Longo. Wait for non-useful reviews and criticism to your address;
  • dream Nostradamus. Sleep points to the victory over the ill-wishers, honor and glory. But you need to work hard to get a good reputation;
  • dream Interpretation Catherine Great. Sleeping with the funeral of the already deceased stranger, which you happened to see in reality, foreshadows about the emergence of troubles and difficulties at work. And sleep with a funeral of a loved one or familiar promise sad news. Rare, but good sleep - to bury the dead straw. Good luck will come in all endeavors.

What is the funeral of the dead person, the interpretation of sleep in the degree of kinship

Sleeping with the funeral of the previously dead parents indicates the emergence of problems, difficulties in life or complexity at work. Do not exacerbate the situation, be alert, otherwise it will not work important it.

If in a dream, we accept condolences at the funeral of the previously deceased brother, sisters, uncle or aunt, as well as other relatives or acquaintances - in reality there will be a pleasant event in your honor on which you will receive congratulations and gratitude.

Attending in a dream at the funeral of the previously deceased stranger - it is bad, but not a terrible sign. The dream foreshadows the hatred of one person in reality or complications in relations with others.

What dreams of the funeral of the deceased person is being shot - interpretation of sleep by day

Dream day is of great importance. If the dream dreamed in the night:

  • on Monday. Pay attention to your health, do not make rapid actions;
  • on Tuesday. To trouble and disputes;
  • on Wednesday. You will be listed in the will;
  • on Thursday In reality, all hopes are melted;
  • on Friday. There will be a meeting with difficulties;
  • on Saturday. You are too busy;
  • on Sunday. There will be an unexpected scandal.

What do psychologists talk about dreams?

Psychologists The above dream explain simply. If a person died recently - you whip on it and can't accept the pain of loss. Independent pain is manifested in a dream. Release the deceased and you will feel much easier.

If the funeral has occurred a long time ago - at the subconscious level, something reminded you of the dead. It may be the smell of flowers, perfume, different things. In the subconscious, the cell of memories opens, and it manifests itself in a dream.

Dreams have little studied by experts. Do not think about them, forget as soon as possible. It is better to go to the cemetery to the deceased relative or a friend, bring a bunch of colors and pray for it. And only your personal experiences and emotions will help to interpret sleep.

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