What is the mouse

What is the mouse

These small rodents are never respected by the people. If you remove the mouse - the dream does not bode well. Most dream-books indicate future trouble, sickness and strife, if dreaming a little gray mouse.

Why dream of a mouse - the interpretation of dreams for a variety of dream books

Consider dream interpretation on the most popular dream books:

  • dream Miller. Dream warns man of the future troubles in business and personal life. If rodents are dreamed in a dream of a young girl - she should look closely to the environment, among friends there are detractors, acting secretly. If the mouse is in sleep got on your clothing - be careful, it is possible to get to the scandal;
  • freud's dream book. In your case may intervene enemies that will induce you to slander and gossip, and want to stop work. Sleep rodent is a sign of poverty in reality, unhappy family life, and problems with children;
  • dream Book Vanga. Sleep portends large invasion mice in reality. Rodents will destroy crops and products become more expensive. If Gray had a dirty dog \u200b\u200bon Tuesday - are you hiding a secret from a loved one;
  • sonnik Tsvetkov. Mouse dreams to secret detractors, loss of you or your loved ones;
  • modern dream interpretation. Sleep rodent bring trouble to the family and the emergence of insincere friends. There may be problems at work and in business.

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Why dream of a mouse in different colors

Mice are not just gray and if the dream of rodents with different shade of wool, this means the following:

  • black mouse. The dream is evil mockery of enemies behind your back and gossips. But nothing can not happen;
  • white mouse. The dream may indicate a betrayal of a loved one or gossip that spread people from your surroundings. But many of today's white dream books rodents in a dream considered an auspicious omen - a good marriage, a positive solution to the problems and the like;
  • red mouse. In life, you show cowardice and indecision, all the while trying to shift their problems to others;
  • mouse with multi-colored hair. This dream indicates some business and chores. Dim color mouse - empty troubles, irritability in dealing with people. Bright colors - unusual and interesting things that can awaken your creativity.

If you dreamed a lot of mice in any color - to the difficulties and problems. You will have to work hard, but the productivity of your labors will be low. Meaningless work load supervisor or someone from the family, try not to waste power and energy.

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Why dream of a different behavior of mice?

If you remove the mouse quiet, do not fear and do not run away - be careful and look at the reality of their friends. A man is dishonest and will take advantage of your kindness and trust. White calm rodent is a woman, but in reality she wants to charm you and to gain the confidence, but nothing a good relationship with her will not do.

Aggressive rodents, attacking and biting in his sleep - waking expect aggression from the quiet and shy person. At first glance, it is not dangerous, but can thoroughly spoil the mood. Drive out or kill a mouse in a dream - a good sign, you will be able to put in place the enemy.

Catch a mouse mousetrap - in reality behave imprudently. You can get into trouble. Sleep with a lot of runaway mice promises financial losses.

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Mice often dreams to trouble. Believe it or not - decide for yourself, but do not look for mysticism in every dream. The mouse can dream once saw it in a movie or a room, and the subconscious mind reflects what you have seen during the day in the night dream.

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