Dreams still remain one of the poorly studied sides of our consciousness. Some say that dreams are the reflection of the emotions experienced by the day, which does not make any sense. Others - that these are "tips" from the depths of the subconscious. It is for those who believe that dreams may be things, and wants to know what to dream of hugging someone, we will tell you the possible interpretation of such dreams.
If we take the concept of "hugging or hugging" in the general sense, most dreams treat him as a messenger of change in personal life. There are other interpretations of hugs in a dream. For example, a quick gain of a good faithful friend or a big luck in any business and endeavors. Remember, if you felt happiness and joy at the same time, the hugs exactly alone only good. If a woman hugs in a dream, then she should expect new active actions from the opposite sex. If the sleeping is a man, then the arms for him are a serious relationship that can end with marriage.
Hugging in a dream of a loved one (husband / wife, boyfriend / Woman) is often interpreted as an alarming bell that misunderstandings and quarrels may arise between them. Especially if the hugs are accompanied by tremendous, sad sensations. There is also another aid of such a dream - hugs with loved ones carry happiness and harmony, as well as demonstrate attachment to him and fear of losing.
If relatives fall in the arms in the arms, most dreams converge in one - this is to quarrels, resentment and clarification of relations. What does the conflict situation may occur very unexpectedly and without a special reason. And there is no big difference, who exactly you hugged in a dream - brothers, sisters, parents or other relatives.
Press your child to yourself is the way out of your mental unrest. If a child is a girl, you can wait for luck if the boy is successful in work.
The presence of a stranger in a dream is a harbinger of unexpected guests who can break your plans. However, this visit will not necessarily be unpleasant. According to another interpretation, if an unfamiliar person of the opposite sex fell into your arms and the feeling of pleasant - such a dream means that in your current personal relationships there is not enough love and warmth.
For those who have already hugged a deceased person in a dream, such a dream is interpreted mainly positively. He promises longevity and prosperous old age. If this is a celebrity - you can count on the fact that your dreams of glory can come true. If this is a mother - your longguing along it has not yet passed, or you need a very understanding, my grandmother usually warns the danger, grandfather - about the troubles and problems, the late father - about the successful completion of cases.
There are explanations and about animals. So, if you hug a tiger in a dream - it means to fully control your life, a pig - to face the troubles and difficulties, the bear is to get a powerful patronage, a cat is to meet a very selfish person. Regarding the hugs with a dog, some dreams are set up for solid friendship, others - warn of possible material losses.
With the interpretation of dreams, please note that not all of them are things and carry some information for you. It is believed that things are dreams, which are shot from Thursday to Friday. However, some dreams have to interpret the importance of dreams depending on the day of the week, the number, month or lunar calendar. Today, you can learn all these nuances without leaving home. For example, from a special application for mobile, with one of which we suggest you to get acquainted on the video presented.