What dreams of a deceased person

What dreams of a deceased person

The dream in which they saw a deceased person is perceived in different ways. For some, such a date is the long-awaited and only opportunity to see close and favorite people, someone such meetings inspire anxiety and fear. Is it worth looking for meaning in such dreams or prudently just forget about them?

What to play Dead Parents

Various dreams are irreparable interpret the visits of parents who left this world.

  • In the popular dream interpretation of the American psychologist Gustav Miller, such dreams are a bad omen. The arrival of the deceased father speaks of existing or plotting intrigues against you. A dream in which the deceased mother was attended and spoke to you, foreshadows the disease.
  • According to Tsvetkova's dream, the late parents will take off to the rain and the change of weather.
  • Freud has such night visions to be interpreted as unconscious regrets of missed opportunities.
  • In the psychological dream interpretation of the meeting with the late parents are explained by longing on them. Before embarking on the interpretation, it is necessary to understand your feelings from the dream, and also to remember what kind of relations with the deceased in life.

What to play dead relatives

Dreams with dead relatives are no less informative.

  • About protecting over, as well as soon serious change in life, the dreams in which the deceased grandmother is.
  • To see a brother who has passed from life means that someone from the close environment requires help and support.
  • To see a native sister is uncertainty, as well as changes that do not bring anything but irritation.
  • The dreams, in which there are only dead cousins \u200b\u200band brothers, talk about the presence of uncertainty in relations with the person interested.
  • Vanga believed - several dead relatives will take off to a very unfavorable and sharp change.

What to play deceased friends

  • According to Hasse's dream book, a dream with a dead friend foreshadows important and amazing news.
  • In modern dream book, such night meetings suggest that soon with the assistance of friends will be provided with a chance to get a profitable place that opens up great prospects in his career and life.
  • Nostradamus has a dream with a dead friend testifies to the absence of mutual understanding between children and parents, as well as foreshadowing quarrels.
  • According to the love dreams, a meeting with the buddy who left the buddy predicts the likely treason or strong jealousy to the second half.

What dreams of a deceased person - interpretation of actions

  • The interpretation of sleep depends not only on the person who appeared in a dream, but also from the actions committed by it. According to the Chinese dream book, if in a dream the dead are asking for your food - it promises happiness. Islamic dream book: The deceased gives a clean thing - the joy will come from there, from where she was not waiting; If the thing is dirty and old - to a bad act in the future.
  • Very meaningful kisses. So, in the noble dream book - it is to illness and even death. Islamic dream book - to unexpected wealth if the kiss was with a stranger; To obtain the desired knowledge, if in a dream kissed a friend. Psychologists believe that a kiss in such dreams means your willingness to say goodbye to the late, begin to enjoy life without him.
  • Take something in the dead in a dream - to material replenishment, to give - to trouble and illness.

What dreams of a deceased person - take and give money in a dream

Dreams in which the dead gives or take money, deserve special attention. With interpretation, not only the fact of money transfer is taken into account, but also a nominal, type, quality.

  • Take from the late gold coins - to a quick luck, great profits. Copper penny - to the sadness and spending. If in a dream, the money offers a person who has not caused confidence in his life, then such a gift is dangerous from him - he foreshadows deception, the possibility of losing because of the risky enterprise. Getting money from late parents and close relatives foreshadows improved material situation, a profitable deal.
  • Paper money, if only they are not torn and not dirty, in a dream almost always margin profit, benefits or successful end of the case, while small coins are the upcoming troubles, unsuccessful spending and need.
  • Give money to the late - a bad sign that is foreshadowing losses, illness and trouble.

The search for a hidden meaning in dreams is fascinating, interesting, and sometimes, just the necessary lesson. Thanks to the correctly interpreted signals coming from our consciousness, it is easier to understand your fears and the reason for their appearance.

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