What dreams wife

What dreams wife

Interpret a dream can be different depending on whether you had a dream about your wife, or you are divorced, some saw his faithful, both in contact with it. Or lonely woman dreams that she - the wife. It's all different omens about the values \u200b\u200bwhich we will cover in this article.

Dream sleeping wife - happy to be a family. She dreamed that she was more beautiful than in life - to prosperity. Nude - fortunately. Idle dreams that he is married - to a forthcoming marriage.

When you dream that your beloved trains - expect indigestion. Wife gave water to drink - happiness.

To dream soul mate old - trouble, sorrow, unhappiness. Ill spouse - deception.

Pregnant wife - the joy, the good news. Another interpretation - infidelity.

A dream that you are a spouse - a quarrel with their relatives, trouble. Risky Business will be successful if the dream that you are a wife and satisfied with their position. See yourself married to a stranger - loneliness is not threatened.

Fight couples - reconciliation, but the quarrel - to the illness. If hit his faithful - to infidelity. Favorite crying - difficulties in trouble.

If the other half is happy and smiles in his sleep - a successful resolution of cases. Dancing, happy wife - happy. Dumb - learn about the death of someone of the familiar.

Walk in his sleep with his wife - for an early misfortune. Traveling together - the loss of well-being.

A dream in which your dreams missus can carry and positive, and negative. Be attentive to your dreams, they can serve as a warning or be a messenger of good news.

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