What dreams of lips

What dreams of lips

The correct interpretation of dreams helps to protect themselves from possible dangers, get rid of unpleasant situations, and sometimes to radically change the development of the life itself. Therefore, atten, sharpen attention on any items and actions seen in the dream, they can become a real prophecy.

Lips in a dream. Modern interpretation

First of all, be sure to try to remember sleep details, it will help to choose the most accurate interpretation. Follow the following principles.

Lip shape in a dream

If you see non-harmonic thick lips, then do not hurry to take hasty conclusions and quickly solve important questions. In this case, we take diligence and carefully think about every step. The thin shape of the lips is promoting noticeable promotion in solving serious problems, especially on a family field. If the dreaming lips have beautiful outlines, they will soon be waiting for a favorable change on the love front, and perhaps you will meet new love.

Defects on the lips in a dream

Lifting herpes or other similar rash in the field of lips is reported both about the deception of a close person and about spontaneous intimate proximity with bad consequences for you. In this situation, be especially vigilant. Blood on lips carries information about relatives. In relations with them, excitement changes may arise. Swipping the lip broadcasts a unthinkable passion and very bright long meetings with a long-awaited person who are crazy to you.

Actions with lips in a dream

An important role is played by actions performed with lips in a dream:

  • paint lips lipstick - attract the attention of the opposite sex;
  • paint lips in front of the mirror - internal dissatisfaction with its appearance;
  • worry about your lips - fear of the possibility do not like a loved one;
  • paint someone's lips - someone lacks your attention;
  • water, speaking between lips - a quarrel with friends.

Lips and kiss in a dream. Dream Magini

In the dreams of the lips are often accompanied by a kiss, and by Magini's dream book this means the following:

  • If a guy kisses you in a dream, it means that you lack a serious relationship from your beloved person.
  • If a girl kisses you in a dream, you will soon wait for interesting adventures with the fraction of Flirt.
  • If you have dreamed of a kiss of men and women, expect an appearance of a rival in love affairs.


Lips in a dream on Islamic dream book

Islamic dream book associates lips in a dream with a woman or patron. Dreaming in which you see your lips cut off, say that you like to steer out other people. If lips are shot with a sliced \u200b\u200bupper lip, your assistant or the second half will soon leave you.

Believe sleep, and all the best will surely come true.

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