How to dream man

How to dream man

Remind yourself, cause romantic memories - that's what it means to dreamed by a person. Is it possible? Famous astrologers and parapsychologists are confident that yes. You can do it intentionally, using a psychological connection with an object (if a person is close to you in spirit, gives you reciprocity in your feelings). It is much more difficult to come to a person in a dream if you are in a quarrel or a little familiar. But, nevertheless, there are several techniques.

There is a theory that if you see a person in a dream, then he can see you if he sleeps at the same time. Just here is a psychological connection. Call a dream about the right person is quite simple: relax, lie comfortably in bed, breathe exactly. Represent an object of your message. It is important not just to represent a photographic image, it will not put emotional contact, better visualize a person in any situation, imagine his movements, clothes. After that, simulate in the mind of your appearance near this person. If you feel that we have established a relationship, mentally pass a short message to the addressee. Try to use simple phrases, and better visual images.

The recognized dream method (or exit to the astral). Before bedtime, think about the right person. If you dreamed you, try to grasp him: take the hand, set the visual contact. If at this moment your person sleeps - you dream of you, if it is awake, will feel your presence or desire to contact you.

Method of interaction with sprite (contact with the shadow of the object). Configured by the person who want to dream, try to see it in a dream or in the process of visualization. When it appears, try to perform the same actions with him: Speak with him, help in his lesson, go for him if he goes somewhere. This will lead you to his subconscious, and then he will see you in a dream.

Various leaders are offered to use a simple magic ritual. On Friday night, make it easy to stay in the room, make sure that no one prevents you. Light a white candle (preferably large), turn off another lighting. Now take a photo of the object, look at it intently, mentally saying a short message for him. Postpone the photo and both hands bring to the candle, as if forming a dome over its flame. When the arms are warm, dunge on them, as if sending an air kiss with the words "Let it be so!". Go to bed.

The last method consider more spell, but many tried it confident that he really helps to dream another person. In a small apple, there are an incision, in which a photo of a person (or a piece of paper with his name is inserted). An apple is placed on the windowsill. As the apple dries away, the person begins to think more and more about you, you begin to dream.

Finally, we note that communication with the object or his sprite in a dream happens both consciously and completely by chance. But, unfortunately, one to whom you come in a dream, it can not always remember that he dreamed. Although there are evidence that a person did not just see someone in a dream, but he received information from him, and even used it later.

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