How to manipulate people

How to manipulate people

They seek to get the desired result of any price many people. For example, the child beats on the store floor in hysterics. It is counting on a certain outcome, that is, the purchase of toys or sweets. And this is a manipulation. Send the psychological techniques that allow you to manage the surrounding, not so bad. In modern urban jungle, this is a positive quality. There are even special seminars that teach how to manipulate people.

Care and false love. First, show the genuine interest in the life of a person, symplaze, make some nice little thing. In return, ask more, and you will meet, because it is uncomfortable to refuse.

Anger and mad pressure. The interlocutor was dismantled worse controlling his emotions and psychological background. In such a state, he can promise to do anything to the manipulator. Then calm the poor one.

The trouble-free way is blackmail. Today I am this, and you tomorrow. Here is a simple scheme. For example, eat porridge, and I will give candy then.

Make yourself regret. Tell me how you feel bad, nothing works. The opponent will immediately relax, he will have a Nithe \u200b\u200bpatron, distributing the good in need.

Vragne is one of the simplest ways. He is applied everywhere and all.

Law of Social Evidence. People in the critical situation most often trust the opinion of the majority. A bright example of this is the choice of household appliances or telephone. The buyer relies on the reviews of other people and buys the model that the company wants to sell.

If you want to pull out important information from the interlocutor, create the visibility of marginal honesty. It is automatically an intimate atmosphere, in which you want to induce it in return.

Harness and feeling of guilt. The status of offended gives an incomparable advantage. You can demand the fulfillment of any desire, just do not overdo it. The misconduct will meet you, just to get rid of the feeling of guilt.

Fear is the most powerful motivator. Watch a weak place from a person and scare. So the cunning employers do when they want to get more self-dedication from the employee. It works the fear of losing a job or not get an increase.


Worship authorities. Humanity has accustomed to respect and put at the chapter of the one who has achieved more success. Remember Leninsky: "Learn, learn and learn again." This is often used by parents when they put as an example of Vasya from a nearby house, which brings some five more tops.

Manipulators who juggle human actions are found everywhere. The sphere of their influence wide. This is a family and home, work and career, religion and politics. Therefore, it is necessary to know the main psychological techniques yourself and how to apply them.

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