How to win a woman lion

How to win a woman lion

Fire temperament, passionate feelings and incredible driving force. These women are generous and noble, nevertheless proud. Some self-confidence sometimes encourages, concomitating imaginary modesty. What is ne having lionessSo it is masculinity and courage. The lioness allow themselves to adore and love, but by nature of the ownership. How to manage with the recalcitable and become the subject her Adorations?

Let this girl rule over you, but in moderation. Despite the leadership qualities, they do not tolerate the lipics and mother's sons. Be weak only with her, and with the other owners of great statues, be kept restoring, even somewhat rude, let it enjoy his uniqueness.

Woman mystery

The lioness should be the center of attention and in no way. Throwing appearance allows himself to feel comfortable in any company. Do not be distracted from your chosen, imagine her To your friends and acquaintances, clearly Expressing status (girl, beloved, bride, fate, future wife) - she will be flattering.

Successful woman

Let the lioness realize himself - this is an incredibly creative person who knows everything immediately. Brightness, openness, no restrictions and independence cut away In a closed space. Give it a space for flight And try to understand her Inner world, where their laws and orders. On the way to goal, this girl does not fall down and will not push forward - She is above it. Do not think that if you wedeteshe will run forward, rather vice versa - Shut the doors for you and will strike out life forever, even if Madly loves. It will be a dumb pain and a smile on the face, and the soul will break away from the insult. If you are the road to the girl under the sign of the lion, it is not worth her Test on feelings.

As a man lion hold nearby

She needs love. Lioness sentimental and it her weakness. Such girls enjoy infinite demand among men and you have to Very try to enjoy her. Pride is beyond money, her You will not buy, but beautiful courtship and status will add a rating. If this girl allows you to love her, it is equal to the dedication to the knights. It does not obey, but dictates, manages and establishes its rules. Nevertheless, Always trying for the benefit of loved ones and relatives, pushing your back plan needs. If you manage to become her A man, then she will not betray, surroundings care, love and long passion.

The lioness will not tolerate the liar and submitting a person next to him. The insight is armed with such qualities as the nobility, the power of will, justice, loyalty, courage and devotion. The same demands from the future satellite of life: it will never be under a crown with a pet and a coward, with an ignorant and immoral personality. She respects and leaning towards strong menwho earned the property with their own labor or business, but did not inherit. If you are not a noble person, but ready to change, then the list of claims in the Lioness is large.

Not offend weak and put on sore Place equal or higher. Be fair and die adequately recognize your mistakes, learn how to apologize - after all, only the strongest men are capable of it. Do not retreat from your goal, no matter how much plans change. Support her in all. Do not be wasteful, better donate money to those in need. Be consciously and fully justify her Hope.

Lionesses are worthy rivals, fair and noble personalities. In an ideal, the lioness requires no less from his man - become her a dream, and passion will not fade to death, because she is that iskrinkawhich burns the flame.

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