How to win a man's man

How to win a man's man

Male Taurus - Sensitive, Careful and purposeful human . Beautiful courtship ne. fadel Along with life realities. Such people prefer not to build an air castle, but to give a project of a real house where take You hostess, which will never feel need. To make a couple worthy mu Mutskin, born Under the sign of Taurus, you should become his dream and reincarnate.

Take care of patience mu Mutop will take time to make sure the correctness of its choice - hasty decisions of the man-carts do not take. If you have previously connected, but for some reason you broke up, yet not too late Return to reverse time. Tales are very sensitive to touch and smean. Meeting along the way, do not be obsessive, rather, on the contrary - indifferent. Wear that clothes (or similar) and use the perfume that participated in creating an image at your meetings. This will remind him of pleasant moments and cause nostalgia.

If You have a relationship with a man and you try to extend them every way, do not be jealousy. Do not arrange scandals, do not raise the voice and do not be Coarse - calves categorically not acceptable. Even if disagreements arose and you need to express note Opinion, do not do it in humans - the portion of the negative can destroy a long-term connection on the same day. Despite his attachment and respect for you, top take Common sense and temper. Even if you are actually right, you should not humiliate your man - he will not tolerate it.

Taurus respects women who can be compliant ,,, despite his character, and know how to keep their own teeth. Stupid jokes are also often inappropriate and capable of retaining relationships. Do not be intrusive - no one does not like, not to mention moral tales. Men appreciate female personality and charisma, do not encroach on the freedom of their chosen, inspiring her With eternal control, the same and require in response.

If The male advantage of the Taurus is not surrounded by a negative, he will not only justify hope and trust, but will embody your dream, will be patient to whims, kind and gentle for your beloved. However, as it was already mentioned above, the Taurus does not make rapid decisions and a long time looks after the future chosen. If there was a divorce in his life, you can be sure - he survived him very painfully, and now it will be much more careful when choosing his woman.

V Financial Plan, the Taurus poured the mountain of needs. Learn delicious cooking traditional homemade dishes, Love in nature, the village and divide the fishing hobby with him. Taurus should not hurry and point to unfulfilled home things - at home he usually lazy. Do not force it to spend time in the company of enchanted friends, be honest and simple, take care of your man, and he is to give you are!

Despite the fact that the Taurus is an incredibly romantic nature, he will not feed you with "breakfasts" and beautiful promises, and immediately go to the case, you will not doubt the correctness of your choice. Do not forget, in turn, put out for a man - he will appreciate it, and your life will turn into an excellent fairy tale.

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