How to win a man a ram

How to win a man a ram

You and so and soak, and the object of adoration does not respond to courtship? His mood is changing faster than the weather? Just yesterday he was affectionate and fluffy, and today is impregnable again and is indifferent? Surely he was born from March 21 to April 20, and, it means that you were lucky to fall in love with a man of Aries. It will not be easy to achieve its location.

Aries - fiery sign. He is also used to always be first. If this enthusiastic nature has trouble or was angry, do not be confused under your feet with questions. Better to wait for the storm, and then sympathize.

Get used to extravagant actions and romantic courtships. The desire to surprise in men of this sign of the zodiac does not disappear in old age. They are brazed and immediately as boys.

Always look 100%, and better 150%. The lamb has already developed the image of the perfect woman to be supported. He is alolyuba, so you must be an elevated angel, mysteries and temptation. Constantly maintain intrigue and get closer not very rapidly.

Aries are very jealous. Do not let yourself even a light flirt with other young people. Thus, his feelings do not seven. But he himself can take care for other women, although this game will not have development. A man born under the constellation of Aries can storing loyalty.

Next to him, the lamb sees an extraordinary, optimistic companion, with which it would not be boring. Surprise its non-standard thinking, unpredictable actions, but do not forget that you are a weak woman. Try not to replay and not lie. Sincerity and straight matters will like him more.

Do not get tired of praising your "horny". He likes to feel the "center of the Universe". The compliment should not be fake, the cavalier immediately determines the notes of hypocrisy.

Get ready for the fact that in family life you will have to be content with the second place, to become a support for a pedestal husband. Important solutions are accepted solidly. In the jurisdiction of weak gender, there is a choice of curtains in the kitchen and other trifles. In the award, take bouquets of colors, gifts without reason and limitless love.

True love is such chemistry, the elements of which the zodiac sign is not important. And people born under incompatible at first glance constellations live safely to the golden wedding.

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