How to win a scorpion woman

How to win a scorpion woman

Those who want to win a woman-scorpion should temper their ardor. She prefers to be chosen independently. Your task - to do everything to be the object of her attention. And here you will prevent a lot of patience and some good advice.

Scorpio woman is smart and always knows what she wants. This also applies to the choice of partner. Her choice-willed, tactful and purposeful man with a good sense of humor and high level of intelligence. But a woman in any case it is impossible to press and especially to show their superiority. It must remain free and independent.

Strong, confident man must always be neat. First and foremost, a female scorpion pay attention to the shoes. Never show her their weakness or uncertainty, even in small things.

Scorpio - a very "expensive" woman. And hard work allows it to independently support themselves fully. But if there is someone who will do it instead of her, she would not resist. He takes it for granted and may even become more demanding, testing, thus chosen.

It is important that your intentions were sincere, I really serious. Scorpio woman can not dissemble or pretend to be, and require the same of others. A suspicion of fraud, forever removed from life.

Great attention to female scorpion gives intimate life. And if you fail to meet its needs in this regard, to be sure, in the best case, it no longer would look in your direction, and at worst - will hate forever. So, before you make a final decision, to adequately assess their capabilities.

If you are close to the chosen one-scorpion, never allow yourself to even look at the other the female, the more flirting. Suspicious and jealous, they are terrible and the owners will never forgive betrayal.

Compliments and pleasant surprises will help you distract the attention of scorpion women from your weaknesses and disadvantages.

If you call the whims and madness of the scorpion of the highlight, then it can be said with confidence that this woman consists of a raisin alone. But having achieved it, you risk forever to remain enchanted by this special, its uniqueness, natural charm and mind.

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