How to conquer a woman aquarius

How to conquer a woman aquarius

Aquarius girls are slim and thin. They quickly adapt to new circumstances and unusual situations, quickly penetrate sympathy, but such a manifestation of emotions is short-term and superficial. Aquarius is incredibly charming, which is due to a peculiar split of the emotional gamma. Find the key from the heart of such a girl is not easy.

This girl is in the writing of something new, she will not get bored with her with her. Despite the hard work, it does not tolerate strict discipline - this is the signal to you, it is not worth it to brief with the rules and prohibitions. Whatever she is doing, there is a certain charm, grace and shine in everything. She is always elegant, rhythmic on a dance floor, an interesting interlocutor. Try to fit her, however, it is not necessary to dance at all, she will teach you something.

If you call her married, 90% of the probability that she agrees. But, will be happy? Rather no than yes: the hurry of serious action is rarely justified. This girl will not be the most devoted wife, and you should take it. Her love is paradoxical, and you will not notice an emotional burst, even if it is in love. In order for your relationship to be good, do not affect its interests and allow you to rotate in the usual circle of friends.

Do not tie it to the stove or bed, Aquarius loves freedom. Dreams of this girl are special and drastically differ from yours. She purposefully follows his star, which is rarely noticing her. Try to see and divide her path. Her soul belongs to all and anyone. Aquarius woman requires freedom, and if you do not dare to take away and take those framework that she installed, then its loyalty to you is limitless.

Do not try to take it money, they are never a driving mechanism for Aquarius. Let you be the first guy on a village or a famous businessman in your city, she will give preference to intelligence. Be true to yourself, your rules and moral statutes, pursue one idea without being distracted by temptations. If you see a passionate woman next to you, then this is a flower is not the color.

Aquarius girl believes that physical love is good if not concentrating a lot of attention on it. Her response to not biased sex will be a gusty, passionate. Despite the fact that physical love is aimed at continuing the kind, and not to receive pleasure, Aquarius finds that Iskinka, which turns everything out of his legs. If you believe that Platonic Relations need to be saved as long as possible, then the girl of the Aquarius will support the idea. It will be an ideal wife for you if you found yourself in educational or scientific activity.

Carefully look at your girlfriend if she was born under the sign of Aquarius. Among them are personals who love to shock, for example, to walk on the TRV or the central street of the city of Bosoy, smoking a cigarette on the bus, attract the attention of people to the bold actions. The classic nature of the Aquarius is manifested in the fact that the chosen will not be jealous of the pretty girls and check the truth of your words about constant delays at work. If you in life are welcome flirting with other women, then she can suffer silently. Her heartbeat does not become more frequent, but a dumb pain will not leave alone. If you are indifferent to her, then you know, at the first sign of betrayal, she will leave without thinking.

Learn to accept that she can support friendly relations with former lovers and buddies, but the thought of betrayal is not inherent. The modesty and timidity of this girl is not a permanent indicator, it can suddenly "give out", which shocks the experienced males. In the controversial situation, do not impose her opinion to her, she will keep out of you, will not tolerate such a relationship and will become closed.

Get used to the fact that after your morals and tips it will do in its own way. Do not ask why she goes the street in the wrong place or laces the shoelaces on the contrary, she doesn't know himself, it just likes everything unusual. Do not try to become the object of its attention. If you show the share of jealousy, conservatism or prejudice - lose it.

The girl under the sign of the Aquarius is endowed with a powerful intuition. If you become a suitable partner, then your marriage will be a sample of happiness.

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