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  • Health
    For a person, fear has always been a natural protective mechanism that helps to survive in extreme conditions.
    30.01.2019 317 1
  • Love
    Love is a wonderful feeling capable of wrinkling and make us happy. Lovely man recognize easy.
    03.10.2018 370 0
  • Acquaintance
    Today you can very often hear the word "frieson" from the mouth of young guys and girls. What is this new word, and what does it mean?
    03.04.2018 316 0
  • Psychology
    If you dream of a big snake, there is a possibility that the meaning of your dream is associated with the problems and feelings that you encounter in everyday life.
    25.03.2018 353 0
  • House and life
    Did you dream that you ate? What can it mean? Perhaps you are just hungry and the brain signals about lacking nutrition or is such a dream trying to warn about changes in reality?
    21.03.2018 322 0
  • Psychology
    Every day, each of us has to deal with different people. Some of them cause sympathy, and with some opposite, do not want to talk at all.
    06.02.2018 332 0
  • Help
    The lines on the hand have long aroused the interest of a person. Even those who do not believe in the definition of fate with their help involuntarily pay attention to these marks.
    22.10.2017 445 1
  • Health
    Placebo in medical concepts is a harmless substance that does not treat, and the medical effect is obtained from self-impact, in short, placebo is a dummy.
    21.10.2017 359 0
  • Psychology
    The feeling of guilt - eating us from the inside, which delivers great spiritual discomfort. Sometimes it torments us according to merit, but sometimes we yourself screw themselves.
    27.06.2017 407 0
  • Children
    Mama. How much lies in this word: incredible love, infinite patience and crazy responsibility.
    19.06.2017 431 0
  • Love
    The topic of losing close people is absolutely not new and very important! When a beloved husband is dying, for his wife it always suddenly caught the feeling of loneliness.
    16.06.2017 458 0
  • Marriage
    Unfortunately, over the existence of a family, married quarrels often arise, and there may be many reasons for this.
    07.05.2017 402 1
  • Health
    If the quality of sleep is violated, the level of vital energy is automatically reduced, the troubles appear in life.
    11.04.2017 464 1
  • Health
    Panic attacks are a fairly common variety of disturbing phobic neurosis. Panic attacks are familiar to 8% of people around the world.
    05.03.2017 455 1
  • Relationship
    The world and people have changed in it. We are often indifferent to each other and if a person hears a compliment in his address - he is embarrassed and loves the words of gratitude vigorously.
    28.02.2017 582 0
  • Help
    It is very scary to experience the death of his son. After all, these children should bury parents, and not the opposite.
    20.02.2017 570 0
  • Divorces
    A loving person is always difficult to survive separation with his second half. How to be if the wife became the initiator of parting?
    20.02.2017 439 0
  • Pregnancy
    Before the birth of a child, quite a bit of time left and you no longer wait to become a happy mom, but the rest does not give fear before childbirth.
    20.02.2017 452 0
  • Dependencies
    Each person may experience an insurmountable feeling of anxiety and fear, which is very difficult to overcome, and sometimes we can not even understand what is caused by this unpleasant phenomenon.
    19.02.2017 419 1
  • Psychology
    We feel fear when our brain is trying to warn us about danger. For everyone, this feeling is purely individually.
    28.01.2017 436 0
  • Psychology
    Character can be changed. Do not believe those who say it is impossible to do it! All in your hands.
    20.01.2017 483 0
  • Psychology
    You think that we are deprived of a sense of humor - not trouble! Miscer friends, invent funny jokes, be witty and interesting person can absolutely each.
    16.01.2017 583 0
  • Psychology
    Conflict situations are quite often in the life of every person. It doesn't matter, the man or peace-loving, conflicts are the inevitable part of our lives.
    16.01.2017 467 0
  • Help
    The death of a native person is a severe loss. But how to survive the loss of the mother, because for each of us it is more expensive than all other relatives?
    15.01.2017 517 0
  • Relationship
    Girls - creating unpredictable, capricious and with vulnerable soul. They often appear depression, and the mood deteriorates.
    07.01.2017 458 1
  • Marriage
    Family life is full of both joys and adversity. Often conflicts arise between her husband and wife.
    22.11.2016 496 1
  • Psychology
    From death, no living being will be saved and it is scary. But many people are worried about the question: what will I feel at the time of death?
    04.10.2016 582 0
  • Psychology
    The face is not only aesthetic part of the body, which is responsible for our attractiveness. It can accompany our emotions, so it is capable of how to reveal sincere feelings and give true intentions.
    13.02.2016 746 0
  • Psychology
    In order to see a man's aura, you do not need to possess special supernatural abilities. But, like any skill, this skill requires long workouts.
    09.02.2016 1370 0
  • Character
    How many people can be happy in humans? Do you think only one? And very mistake. In fact, their several, each refers to a certain area.
    22.01.2016 769 0
  • Psychology
    Emotions are a mental process reflecting the subjective attitude and manifestation of any feelings for a certain situation.
    21.02.2015 955 1
  • Dependencies
    Often there are such cases when falling in love by ears, a woman discovers that her beloved has long been married and is not going to change anything in life.
    04.02.2015 1400 0
  • Psychology
    The excitement in front of an important event, for example, in front of public speeches or a report for the authorities, brings an unpleasant sensation: a brazing language, numbness of the hands, the numbness of the face, stuttering and so on.
    24.11.2014 1046 0
  • Psychology
    Probably, many fall out dubious "happiness" to communicate with an annoying and uninteresting interlocutor. The ears are already wound from the abundance of unnecessary information, all possible hints are made, and man continues to broadcast.
    10.11.2014 1657 0

