How to respond to a compliment

How to respond to a compliment

The world and the people in it have changed. We often indifferent to each other, and if a person hears a compliment to his address - he is embarrassed and indistinct murmurs words of gratitude. We'll show you how to adequately respond to a compliment and what to say.

How to respond to a compliment - the wrong response

First, find out how not to respond to praise:

  • never make excuses. Are you sure that you admire is not possible, but this is a misconception. Self-esteem you underestimated - that's the problem. You got a compliment from their friends or strangers deserved;
  • do not say that praise is not true. Man complimented your hairstyle or makeup. And you said to him in reply that there is nothing special, and none of this had not spoken. These words - a provocation to further praise;
  • do not be offended. Even if you do not like a compliment - do not yell at the person and not immediately jump on him with his fists. Just ignore his words and smile and say "thank you";
  • undaunted human excessive joy at the compliment to your address. No need to thank and loud kissing companion in all her cheeks.

We respond to a compliment correctly

You've heard the praise in his address. Try to straighten your shoulders and look kindly interlocutor in the eye. Sincere smile, and the person will feel that his words are pleasing to you. If you hesitate, say, "I'm a little confused," and then come the words of gratitude.

Respond to a compliment as follows:

  • "Thanks! I am pleased to know that you feel that way ";
  • "Thanks! I appreciate your attention to the signs ";
  • "It is very difficult to work on this project (article, and the like), but thank you, that you understand it." Another option - "Thank you, I tried so hard." These words of gratitude for the praise will be a response officer or employee of your work done;
  • "Thanks! I'm so pleased to hear it ";
  • "Thanks! I cheered up by nice words. "

Respond properly to compliment the different interlocutors

Your answer may depend on the man who sounded the praise out of the mouth;

  • gift from a friend. Hug her and sincerely thank;
  • compliment from a business partner. Modestly say, "I take a cue from you!"
  • gift from a loved one. Thankyou complemented by a passionate kiss;
  • a compliment from a stranger man. Generous laudatory odes stranger nod his head and say, "Yes, thank you!" These words will give him to understand that you know about your beautiful dress, the hairstyle and the like;
  • gift from a friend. You can answer a joke. For example: "Thank you! I'm also crazy about her hairdresser. " Another option - "I always try to look good, but for you I can not keep up."

It will be easier to respond to the praise of a friend or relative. Even if the answer is stupid - sincerity correct ticklish situation.

How to respond to a compliment backhanded

Doubtful and even offensive compliments are not directed at you. Keep this in mind. They point to the lack of confidence in a man who said stupid. Do not respond with anger, but with no response snide words, do not leave. Possible answers:

  • "I know what you want to pay a compliment to me, but do not understand what you said. Maybe just talk? " These words will make the interlocutor to start a conversation with you, and you will understand why it is rude;
  • "Maybe I was lucky, and, but success brought me no luck, and hard work," these words, answer the sarcastic praise of colleagues, if they are jealous of your success.

If you have heard in the street sarcastic compliment from a stranger - just walk past. You show him his views that ignore such people and do not want to communicate with them.

Correct answers for compliments - it's an art. If there are no words - just smile, look at him and shake his hand amicably. He understands everything.

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