How to delight the girl in bed

How to delight the girl in bed

No matter what type of orgasm can physically experience a woman - vaginal or clitoral, that's what you need to do to get it, make more intense or just deliver the girl an unforgettable pleasure in bed.

How to delight the girl in bed - Women love ears

This is true truth. Any girl melts from compliments, only from sincere compliments. Women, contrary to their stereotypes, know well about their shortcomings. A lady possessing model appearance, chirping "Oh, how I recovered!" Not a word will not ride about his long or curve nose, but caught her glance in a mirror with a light sigh, a loving man will understand a lot.

The compliment should not affect the "sore place" of a woman. You should not speak a fat woman as it is soft and big. Better pay attention to her beautiful eyes or wonderful hair. Woman should understand that man interested in N. Only the body, but also the soul. Having said the lady "I was delighted with your long legs," the man appears the risk of losing it.

How to enjoy a girl in bed - preliminary affairs

In sex, a woman is interested in not only the process itself, but also pre-caress. This is a proven fact. A woman does not wait for you adventures and feats in bed. She does not need a sexy giant - she needs a gentle man. Women differ from men by the fact that they do not excite one kind of naked body.

Prelude must be long: kisses, scratching, stroking ... Kisses should not be too interested in kisses, even if books and films suggest another. Often women more like their hands with their hands than all sorts of "lickies".

A woman can forgive the man's "failure" in bed. But if he will "finish too quickly" and leaves her unsatisfied, thirsty, arms and touches - is unlikely. A woman with such a partner does not want to have any kind of intimacy.

How to delight the girl in bed - caress and only caress

Even cold women are not indifferent to any caress. Believe me, this precious rule is worth it to comply with any sexual contact. Partner, who received a decent portion of heat, of general relaxation and net gratitude will make anything for you anything, will agree to the most risky experiments and wonderful fantasies. During the Lask, we do not rush to throw immediately where the dormant instincts are called. Forget about the chest and other secluded corners. Start with your fingers, the inside of the forearm - there is nothing more sensitive! And the population! And hair! And the feet and the ankles! Remember, a woman, which is just 15 minutes stroked and kissed, will receive much more pleasure, whatever they would have been keen on the elbow pose into his knee.

How to delight the girl in bed - the right pace

If the partner is suitable for climax, it can only begin to experiment with the angles of administration and rhythms, can only a soul person and a finished sadist. When the mechanism is running, the process should be maintained unchanged, working in the example of hours or a jackhammer. Do not forget about the factor of surprise. Any sudden changes in the tempo and the depth of the introduction of the penis will make the girl always be on the check and not be distracted by secondary reflections under the shudder of their body.

How to delight the girl in bed - manual method

If you put inward the vagina, the index middle finger of the pads up and move them as if you call someone to yourself, then in 80% of cases you are proloning the point G. Explicit signs that you all make it right positive And the appearance of the girl. Want to show aerobatics? Be sure to relax the girl to completely relax as if she was going to write. With this case, she does not work out and at that moment an orgasm will occur, and quite a long time. And if it all happens the first option, this case is unlikely to become a bright page in her sexual biography.

Sex is designed to fill your life with joy and exchange between energy partners. The sense of satisfaction depends in many respects from the generality of interests, spiritual contact, the possibility of separating the innermost experiences. A man can enjoy even a woman who does not like him. With the female floor, everything is different. Woman should feel respect and attention to himself. Simply put, only the man who will force the female heart to score stronger, will be able to bring it to the main moment of bliss.

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