How to make a masturbate girl

How to make a masturbate girl

Masturbation has always been accompanied by a multitude of taboo, the number of which began to decrease only the last decade. It is no longer believed to this hobby, since sexologists from all over the world recognized the benefit of masturbation. It allows you to increase both female and male sexuality, strengthens love thoughts, allows you to know your own body. And now in the first place is the question: how to learn how to do it right?

How to make a masturbate girl - technician for beginners

The number of women's masturbation methods is incredibly great. But mostly cases, the clitoris is massaged using hands, by stroking genital organs. Many women crazy about the simultaneous stimulation of nipples, vagina and anus.

But if you still do not have experience masturbation and do not know what you will give you pleasure, start with your dating with your body. To do this, find 30 minutes of free time and get in the room. You will need to create an intimate atmosphere and expound.

  • Close your eyes, relax and turn on a fantasy with erotic character. Slowly slide through your body, stroke the neck, shoulders, chest, smoothly dropping everything below and below. If you have a lubricant problem, moisten the sex lips with saliva, vaseline or special lubrication.
  • Without unnecessary hurry, explore the genitals with your fingers, studying their sensitivity to touch, whether the shiver is felt when you massaging the base of the clitoris. What movements do you like more - measured and slow or multidirectional and fast? Team the clitoris, caress it longitudinally and over the entire length. Soon you will feel the anticipation of the sweet continuation.

Reaches a little, you can open your individual masturbation recipe, thanks to which you get the emotion fireworks.

How to masturbate a girl - Water procedures

If you have a shower cabin, then there is a real entertainment center at your disposal. Adjusting the flow direction and water pressure, drive the shower head to clutter, sexual cubes and vulva. Switch the shower head into different modes of operation, use vibrating streams. Changing the speed of movement of the jet will allow you to control the time of the orgasm.

How to masturbate a girl - technique "Padon"

This technique is suitable for girls preferring strong pressure to achieve orgasm. The girl begins to masturbate with his fingers and as far as excited is moving to the stimulation of the palm. Some girls immediately begin to masturbate the palm, it is necessary to do it with the base of the palm. To stimulate the clitoris, it is recommended to use a hill of palm. In this case, you can stimulate the crotch and sex lips or enter them into the vagina. This method of masturbation is accompanied by a strong orgasm.

How to masturbate a girl - Search a point G

Take a convenient posture. Start masturbation with a light stroking of the genital lips. Tease the clitoris and fingertips gradually penetrate the vagina deep into the vagina. Run the middle finger as deep as possible. Slide it with a pad along the top wall of the vagina. You will feel when you find this point. Stimulate it the most pleasant way for you and get great pleasure.

How to masturbate a girl - a way to ride

After studying the moods of masturbation, you will have the opportunity to enjoy much easier and more often. You will be able to masturbate sitting on almost anything: the edge of the washing machine or table, the edge of the bathroom, a soft toy or pillow.

Masturbation is not only a pleasure that many women are attached. Masturbation is also a great way to have sexual satisfaction necessary for every girl. To achieve a peak of pleasure, just just love yourself and not be afraid to experiment. Even if you have an excellent sex life, masturbation is a good opportunity to more thoroughly study your body.

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