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  • Marriage
    The relationship between a man and a woman is an eternal topic for conversations and writing articles. Cardinal differences between the sexes lead to the fact that it is extremely difficult for us to understand each other: sometimes words and actions acquire a completely different, non-clear and suspicious form.
    13.10.2018 393 1
  • Treason
    In your life, the most terrible nightmare came true and her husband left the family. Frequent quarrels, conflicts, no romantic led to the fact that the spouse is trying to find happiness outside the family nest.
    09.10.2017 412 2
  • Treason
    You wake up in cold sweat and touch with horror, is there a husband in place. Fasting a number of lying beloved person, aware that his betrayal is a bad dream.
    26.09.2017 423 0
  • Treason
    Strong family relationships are based on mutual understanding and trust. But, unfortunately, according to statistics, every third man changes his wife.
    03.09.2017 411 0
  • Treason
    As many people are known, the Eastern countries have long been different in the almost complete lack of rights in women, their subordination and discrimination against sexual sign.
    14.07.2017 456 0
  • Treason
    Perhaps you suspected your man in treason and earlier, or lived in complete ignorance, but at one point there was a terrible truth - a loved one has changed you.
    03.06.2017 395 0
  • Treason
    It often happens that family life is bored. The weekdays seem monotonous, dull, and your beloved wife is no longer so favorite.
    23.03.2017 407 0
  • Treason
    Love is a feeling that is not amenable to specific definition. Human emotions have a property vary literally every minute of his life.
    01.03.2016 783 2
  • Treason
    Suspicion of treason can destroy even the strongest relationships. Sometimes jealousy, congenital suspicion or intuitive feeling becomes the cause of doubt.
    13.02.2016 828 0
  • Treason
    Treason is the main reason for the breaking of the relationship. Everything is simple if the couple is simply found, and they do not associate the bonds of marriage.
    05.02.2016 906 2
  • Treason
    That's just the world was full of paints, the sun and warmth, and in one moment everything was lost, there is only darkness and scorched land.
    11.02.2015 1715 0
  • Treason
    The rupture of the relationship is always hard given to both partners, but someone still decides to put the point. And most often girls make it.
    25.10.2014 1153 0
  • Treason
    When the question arises, "what to do if the husband changes?", It is worth it to ask yourself the next "and what did I do to prevent this?
    24.10.2014 886 0
  • Treason
    Nowadays, unfortunately, the treason ceased to be something out of a series of outgoing. Moreover, not only men change their wives also novels on the side.
    20.10.2014 2469 1
  • Treason
    Woman does not go easy. Such an act she thinks for a long time, weighs all the pros and cons, worries, is afraid of change.
    20.08.2014 2975 0
  • Treason
    Relationships in a pair can destroy both various external circumstances and lovers themselves. Whatever it was, breaking - not to build, and if the relationship seems to be smoldered by themselves, they will have to sweat well for their reassembly.
    16.08.2014 2595 0
  • Treason
    If you are clearly sure that the wife has a lover - urgently need to act! What can be done to return your favorite?
    03.08.2014 3119 0
  • Treason
    If your favorite girl decided that the relationship was exhausted - you should not despair! If you are not ready for parting, try to return it.
    27.07.2014 1514 2
  • Marriage
    Wedding, congratulations, a ring on hand ... Many women seem to be that only happiness, because they deserve it, and the duty of a man is to do everything so that it was.
    19.07.2014 1019 1

