Perhaps you suspected your man in treason and earlier, or lived in complete ignorance, but at one point there was a terrible truth - a loved one has changed. How to survive such a terrible blow to the back, how to forgive betray to the second half? And is it necessary to forgive?
How to forgive betrayal husband - Causes of men
Before you forgive treason, you need to know the reason for what happened, since it depends on this. The reasons can be a million, but the most common are:
- A man wanted to try something new. Some men by virtue of their nature are unable to constantly be true to one woman, even if they are clever and beauty. Sooner or later they will want to experience new sensations, and even be tested after this flour of conscience, but most likely, in the future, treason will happen again.
- The man fell in love with you. It is not surprising that the man went to the left "if he sobbed you. You won't go against nature if a person does not feel anything to you, then his soul stretches to the one he loves.
- The man changed the "accidental" into the state of alcohol intoxication. According to statistics, it is alcohol "pushes" most men on treason, it can happen on any holiday or corporate party. Most often, such treason happens once and do not lead anything more.
- The man lacks spiritual heat and understanding. Moral treason is the most terrible when a man goes to his mistress not for sexual satisfaction, but for moral support. The emotional connection to break is very difficult and often the wife itself is the culprit of what happened.
How to solve, forgive or not forgive treason
Of course, every woman herself decides for themselves, to forgive her to betray her husband or not, but still before it is worth a few important issues and honestly answer them, namely:
- For what reason did the treason occur? If it was a random treason or the culprit was, you could think about to forgive the second half, especially if he sincerely repent.
- How many years have you lived together? If your family is already long and happily exists in the world, then maybe it makes no sense to handle it because of the error of one of the family members?
- How does your husband relate to you? If you see that he still loves you, appreciates and respects, then it is worth fighting for his happiness, and not throw everything because of his pride.
- Do you have any children? Yes, keep the family only for the sake of children is wrong, but if you can attribute it to everything above, then the children are a serious argument in protecting your family.

Woman Staring Out Window - Image By © Rick Gomez / Corbis
How to forgive treason husband
To forgive treason is very difficult. To do this, do a few steps.
- The very first and most important is a constructive conversation with her husband. Without hysterics, Drak, whipping dishes. It is necessary to get quietly to discuss and decompose on the shelves, to find out from the beloved man the reason for such a act, its further plans and actions. It is important to understand whether he sincerely says or pretending. After all questions are discussed, you need to decide to decide what you do next.
- If the pain is too strong, that is, it makes sense to disperse and live separately. It will give you a chance to calm down a little, and my husband will understand what it is like to live without a family.
- While you live separately, you pay more attention to yourself, take care of creativity or sports, spend more time with children and relatives. The most important thing is not to dwell on the treason of her husband and do not twist these thoughts in the head without end.
How to behave with her husband after treason
If you firmly decided to save the family and forgive your husband perfect treason, then you should gain patience, because in order to forget the betrayal, you need a lot of time and strength.
In no case do not reproach your husband constantly in treason, it will not lead to anything good. If you have decided to forgive, then try to forget, even through strength. Better remember everything that good was in your life together, as they told him "Yes!" On the coin day, as happy together ... Try to spend time together, walk somewhere, remember youth.
And finally, do not forget, the main thing is that everything is alive and healthy, treason is not the end of the world, the main thing is to take it right correctly.