How not to gain overweight during pregnancy

How not to gain overweight during pregnancy

Are you trying to stay healthy and taut during pregnancy? We share some secrets with you so that you are not gaining overweight during this period, and could remain in good shape for 9 months and after childbirth! Posterness in weight during pregnancy is a natural symptom. In the body of a woman there is a lot of changes. The organs are expanding, the organism fluids accumulate, and finally, the child grows. Nevertheless, it is worth making sure that you do not gain too much weight during pregnancy.

How does an excessive weight gain affect the child?

Excess weight gains negative consequences not only for a woman, but also for a child. They may affect the health or condition of the newborn.

  • The baby may have a tendency to completeness and to diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • Large fruit makes it difficult and prolongs them. This, in turn, can lead to damage to the child (for example, its shoulder or clavicle) or cause child hypoxia;


What is not to gain weight during pregnancy?

In order not to gain excess weight during pregnancy, you must, first of all, control your diet. It seems simple, but in fact it's not like that! Mama often want to eat products that are not useful for her and her child. How to find a golden middle?


Control the number of calories

Pregnancy does not require a double dose of calories (for himself and child). It is worth remembering by making up a menu. In the first trimester, the need for the energy of the future mother does not increase, and in the second and third trimester it is necessary to add only 300-500 calories - no more.

Such an additional portion of energy is sufficient for the correct development of the child, it will also provide a normal increase in the weight of the future mother in the next months of pregnancy.


Eat less, but more often

  • Additional 300-500 calories - one small meal. It is a recommended addition to the menu to pregnancy. A woman waiting for a child should eat more often, but less. This reduces its nausea, feeling of hunger, therefore will provide a permanent dose of energy throughout the day.
  • Instead of the current 4-time meals, use 5-6 one-time reception. Ideally, an additional meal will be a useful snack, such as yogurt with muesli, fruit or vegetables. These products are useful for health, full of valuable nutrients and do not lead to completeness.


Pay attention to the size of the portion

  • If you find that you are very hungry, try adding extra vegetables on a plate. This will add a little extra mass and fiber, will help you better control your portions to prevent overeating during the day.
  • Another strategy is to use a smaller plate. For example, dessert. The plate will seem much more complete. It will make you think that you eat more than actually!

Protein and fiber in each meal

The combination of fiber and protein helps to regulate blood sugar levels, and can also control the level of hunger, as the fiber and protein retain the feeling of satiety longer.

As an additional bonus, the fiber helps keep your intestines in the tone. Everyone knows that constipation is not fun. Especially when you are pregnant and the intestines are compressed. Your norm of fiber is 25-35 grams per day.


How often do you move?

  • To avoid the advantage, you need to move a lot. Physical activity is an integral element of the future lifestyle of a healthy mother.
  • If your pregnancy is out of danger and you do not have a ban on exercise, you should do it as often as possible! This is not only a way to maintain a good condition required for childbirth, but also a way to avoid a set of excess weight during pregnancy.
  • When you walk, run, swimming or engaged in aerobics, you burn a lot of calories. A clock walk is a loss of more than 200 calories, a 45-minute training in the pool - 500 calories.
  • While moving, you sat down with oxygen your body and baby body. And most importantly - you also improve the intestinal peristalsis, which slows down during pregnancy. Thanks to this, your digestion will be better, the metabolism will accelerate and burn more fat.

Remember the healthy nutrition

The diet must be well balanced. Try not to use too much oily food or products that promote weight gain (carbohydrates, pasta, white bread). Try there are a lot of fat fish, low-fat meat and dairy products and necessarily fruits and vegetables. Make sure you get enough calcium and drink the required amount of pure water!


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