How to avoid weight gain on holidays

How to avoid weight gain on holidays

On the nose holidays? It's time to think about how to prevent a weight set, because if you believe the latest research, many people during protracted festive feasts (New Year and Christmas especially) are able to score from three to seven kilograms. Moreover, the weight scored in winter can become permanent, not temporary. Fortunately, during the holidays, it is possible to avoid not only intense weight gain, but even a little reset it. How to do it, read further in the material.

Enter the diary of food to avoid weight gain on holidays

Diary of food is a great way to prevent weight gain during holidays. Just write down your daily diet; So you will be reported to yourself, and you will have much more chances to concentrate on weight loss and healthy nutrition.

Drink tea instead of coffee to avoid weight gain

If you replace your favorite latte or expresso with a conventional cup of black / green tea, then you will avoid a set of 150-500 calories per day. So, for the whole winter period you can avoid a set of about 21,000 calories!


Try to drink more water

During the winter period, the air in the room is usually more dry, so a person can easily confuse thirst with hunger, and this is fraught with the appearance of unnecessary kilograms. To prevent this, try to drink from five to ten glasses of clean water per day.

Try to be "Sonya" to avoid weight gain

Recent studies show that those women who are sleeping less than five hours a day are risking by 32% more weight gain and 15% become fat forever than those women who sleep seven or more hours. It is believed that lack of sleep is able to slow down the metabolism and slow down the combustion of calories. Very beautiful reason that will make you go to bed early!

Salad - everyday dish to avoid weight gain

If you use fresh salads in your daily diet, it will help you to consume fewer calorie products. If standard and uninteresting salads have long come to you, then you can add pears, strawberries or oranges. As a result, your waist will be grateful to you for such a choice!


Alcohol - under control!

New Year's holidays do not pass without alcoholic beverages, which themselves contain a considerable amount of calories, and some of them lead to an increase in appetite. Moreover: alcohol can overload the liver, which will lead to a temporary slowdown of metabolism and, therefore, to an undesirable kilogram set.

If you do not want to give up alcohol, then give preference to a red dry guilt that contains a small amount of sugar. Liquors, vodka and other similar alcoholic beverages contain a considerable amount of calories, so attempt to use this alcohol as little as possible, or refuse to completely. The same refers to cocktails, which consist of juices, sweet syrups, carbonated water.

Hard diets are prohibited!

Many women in front of the holidays think that it would be nice to sit on a diet and quickly throw a few kilograms to look more elegantly during the holidays. In reality, this approach is considered risky, because after restrictions it will be difficult to stay from overeating during the feast, which will negatively affect not only weight, but also on well-being. Do not forget that the lost weight has the property to climb back almost with doubled strength, if you will be intensely "shove" to yourself in myself during the holidays.

Thoughtful menu for holidays

Many dishes that can be seen on the festive table are a serious obstacle to reduce weight, and wine is cholesterol, high fat content, fast carbohydrates. Try to combine meat food with vegetables that contain fiber - it will allow you to avoid a weight gain.

When buying cheeses, fats, mayonnaise, sausages and other ingredients for cooking dishes or snacks, look at the percentage of fats (respectively, the less - the better).

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