How to speed up metabolism

How to speed up metabolism

Metabolism is the oven of our body, where extra calories burn, providing the body with fuel. Therefore, everyone who wants to lose weight, create a beautiful embossed figure, dream of raising the level of their metabolism. The metabolism can be accelerated if you bring the rhythm of your life as much as possible to the rhythm of time cycles, the movement of the Sun. In the morning - the beginning of work, in the afternoon - the activity is maximum, the metabolism will calm in the evening. There are ways to increase its level.

After awakening, be sure to have breakfast during the first hour of wakefulness. To launch the metabolism of metabolism, eat a banana 15 minutes after sleep. Studies of scientists have long confirmed the fact - those who do not miss breakfast are rapidly getting rid of excess weight. At night, metabolism is almost equal to zero, if it is not "included in the morning," he will only increase to dinner. Thus, you miss a lot.

Watch out for your body a necessary daily rate of calcium. Do not eat drugs aimed at a weight loss, as you are not sure. Better pay attention to harmless additives and vitamins, which contains calcium.

Drink more ordinary cold water. Cold water is a universal natural accelerator of metabolism. It is better to drink it precisely cold, since for her warming the body spends a lot of energy. The water level in the body is checked by urine color: if it is bright, the level is normal, if dark water is not enough.

Build muscle mass. For no accident after training, I really want to eat. Training, you burn the mass of calories. Calories are spent on the extension of muscle mass, and this is always due to the increase in metabolism.

Support low temperature in the room. Sometimes a sudden disconnection of heating is even useful. Low air temperature also accelerates metabolism.

Prefer food accelerating metabolism. In addition to calcium, and its very much in yogurts, it is necessary to have more useful products, which for different reasons contribute to the best metabolism: oatmeal, curry, cinnamon, beans, ginger, green tea, coffee, grapefruit, watermelon, blueberries, almonds, apples, Turkey, Cayenne pepper.

Limit alcohol consumption. Note that the level of metabolism alcohol reduces almost 70%. It is not necessary to completely abandon it, but give the amount of drinking alcoholic beverages to a minimum.

Try not to bring the body to starvation. Eat earlier than hunger comes. The most excellent way to strengthen metabolism is in small portions during the day. Do not reduce the number of calories consumed from food below 1000. The starvation immediately will noticeably reduce the level of metabolism.

Do not forget about a dream. Let's rest the body so that it can fully work. Constant lack of sleep - stress for man. With a dream, less than 7 hours a day, the body begins to "survive", which means less calorie consumes, less burns fat, the flow of vitamins on the contrary increases, the metabolism slows down.

Always remember that burning calories is important for the body, it contributes to the increase in metabolism, weight reduction. But do not forget about the arrival of calories with food in a sufficient quantity. These calories are needed for normal well-being and human health. Fit correctly listening to your body.

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Ksenia 13/09/2019 at 23:56

metabresses are very easy to overclock, such as sports in the morning, drinking mode to observe. I also bought pastilors chewing diet perfumes (and called the acceleration of metabolism), they are natural and helped me shift the arrow on the scales down

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