How to speed up metabolism for weight loss

How to speed up metabolism for weight loss

Perhaps, everyone who wondered the problem of weight loss or the opposite with a set of mass, faced with such a concept as metabolism and its speed. Normal metabolism plays an important role in maintaining the coordinated work of the entire body and in the process of weight loss in particular. How to speed up the metabolic processes and faster to gain the desired form? Here are some simple truths that can help you on creating a figure of your dreams.


It's no secret that a person is 70% consists of water, but for some reason, knowing this fact, few people take care of its replenishment. Our body needs clean water, and we will sing it in tea, coffee and sweet carbonated drinks. Not only does this not benefit from particular benefit, but even more dehydrates it and slows down the metabolism. For each person, the daily rate differs, you need to take into account many different factors: age, weight, lifestyle, time of year, etc. The average digit is 1.5-2 liters per day at a low motor activity. With any physical exertion, this figure increases.

To simplify the counting of a drink of water, you can simply drink a glass of pure spring water every hour. It should be remembered that it is impossible to drink during and immediately after eating, because This complicates the process of digestion. And on the contrary, only improve the digestion of food, drinking a glass of water in half an hour before meals. After receiving food, either liquid eat no earlier than in an hour and a half.

Healthy food and fractional food

You can eat the best products, but the weight continues to stand at one mark. What is the matter? Contrary to the opinion of many that it is necessary to close the mouth for weight loss and is not there, everything is exactly the opposite. Any starvation negatively affects metabolic speeds. Feeding often and small portions: 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. The size of the portions advise to measure their own palms. No, no hands, do not think, although it is an interesting tradition of some nations. It is believed that the size of our stomach in volume is equal to the volume of two of our palms.

In addition, you need to conduct a serious audit of the contents of your refrigerator. Immediately in the garbage we send all fast foods: chips, crackers, fast food, FRI potatoes, etc. Shopping sweets, sweet drinks, fried in fryer with plenty of salt guide. It's all that it delays the fluid in the body and slows the metabolism. Instead of everything listed, add more fresh fruits and vegetables into the diet: they are saturated with vitamins, useful micro and macroelents, as well as fiber, thereby helping the digestion of food and the elimination of all extra organisms.

Physical activity

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of sports in your life and especially in the exchange processes of our organism. During active workouts and just hiking, metabolism is activated, and even after the end of calories, continue to be burned faster. Useful both aerobic loads and strengths. With cardio activity, such as running, dancing, swimming, tennis, the active calorie consumption occurs, with strength training, it is less, but it continues after completing classes for a while. Muscles to ensure their livelihoods require more energy than fat mass. Therefore, even at rest will be more calories. In addition, during training, the production of joy hormone increases, the level of stress is reduced. So choose your own activity in the soul and enjoy the process.

Sleep and rest

Full holiday and sleep contribute to the normal operation of all organism systems. Perhaps everyone knows how much time he needs to fully recover and function as actively as possible. With a lack of sleep, the body is trying to fill the missing energy due to food, which in turn contributes to overeating. If you still have not taken care of your daily rest, you should review your regime and provide yourself with the necessary number of night sleep.


Any massages, be it relaxing or anti-cellulite, improve blood circulation and lymph movement. And this in turn does not only improve the condition of the skin, but also speeds up the metabolic processes of the body.

Applying these simple tips, you will see the result not only in the form of lost kilograms, but also in the state of the whole organism as a whole. He will answer you good well-being and blooming view.

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