How to restore metabolism

How to restore metabolism

Violation of metabolism of any type negatively affects health. It may occur against the background of various pathologies, for example, adrenal glands, thyroid or sex glands, pituitary glands. Low to slow or accelerated metabolism can also stress, improper nutrition or overeating, sleep disorders, overwork, hormonal failure. The influence is also genetic factors. The main symptoms of violations of exchange processes are swelling, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, an increase in body weight, deterioration of the state of teeth, hair, nails. It will help the recovery of metabolism compliance with some rules.

Clean your body regularly, including the intestines. Get rid of toxins and slags. Visit once a week with a bath or sauna if there are no contraindications. Such a recipe will help: boil 50-100 g of brown crude rice to half-preparation, eat it and drink a glass of non-carbonated water. The next meal is only six hours. It is advisable to do so a week. Could cope with this task and apple vinegar. Use it two or three times a day, pre-diluted two teaspoons in 200 ml of warm non-carbonated water, better before meals. Drink at least a cup of herbal tea every day.

Click Immunity. Promote this walks in the fresh air, full exercise, including morning jogging and swimming in the pool, daily adoption of a contrasting soul. Pay this high attention. As far as possible, go to massage procedures, they contribute to the acceleration of metabolism. Like a regular sexual life, because oxygen comes into the blood during orgasm. Sign up for yoga, these classes are very useful. No less important to obey the routine of the day. Try to go to bed not too late, sleep should be at least eight hours. Avoid experiences, nervous disorders also violate metabolism. And more often, laugh, it is proved that it normalizes many organism processes.


Perhaps the most important is the normalization of nutrition in the restoration of metabolism. It must be balanced, healthy, its main component make a protein. Eat more often, but portions reduce. Meat Try to eat a lean - rabbit, birds, veal. Fish, especially sea. Give preference to fats of plant origin and complex carbohydrates (vegetables, porridge). Useful for the restoration of exchange processes whole milk, fermented milk products and wholegrain. Enter the cucumbers, bran, walnuts, olive oil, citrus, pineapple, olive chocolate, seafood, sea cappist.


Start breakfast with a cup of unsweetened coffee or green tea, they contribute to the launch of the metabolic process. Accelerate the exchange of ginger, curry, add them to food. Extremely useful for recovery chili pepper. It contains capsacin, stimulating the necessary processes, but do not get carried away by using it. Stit on the grater three or four lemon with the zest, add 200 g of honey, stir and store this mixture in the refrigerator. It is necessary to take it on a tablespoon daily, about two weeks. Salad from dandelions or their juice will help (three times a day along a teaspoon). You can make an infusion from their leaves: take 250 ml of boiling water on the tablespoon, fill, let it stand for an hour or two. Drink in three receptions, before meals. It is also preparing and used by infusion from Badan.

Pern Chile

It is desirable before the recovery of metabolism still to understand the cause of the violation, find out where the failure occurred. To do this, you need to undergo a survey and pass tests - general and hormones. Contact an endocrinologist.

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Dima 02/09/2018 at 13:13

From my own experience I can say that there are even problems with the metabolism, which adheres to all these rules-himself faced. The reason was ashamed of the wrong work of the thyroid gland due to lowering its hormone levels ... Felt became much cheaper. So I advise all the same to regularly check your health to know the causes of a state.

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