  • Diseases
    Hepatitis A, or as it is simply called - jaundice, a very unpleasant infectious disease of a viral nature.
    28.05.2019 276 0
  • Diseases
    The pain in the throat brings a huge discomfort. The patient is difficult to talk, eat and drink. A person is trying to find different ways to alleviate pain and throat.
    20.04.2019 274 6
  • Diseases
    Microorganisms falling on the face and in the corners of the mouth can provoke snakes. In the spring, immunity falls and more often can be encountered with such a problem.
    12.04.2019 281 2
  • Diseases
    Phoz can be divided into 2 types: congenital and acquired. This disease is a narrowing of the extreme flesh that does not give the penis head to nude.
    08.04.2019 273 0
  • Diseases
    To date, to great unfortunately, every second resident of our huge planet suffers from problems with the spine and bones, so this article will become relevant for almost each reader.
    08.04.2019 270 0
  • Diseases
    Purulent angina is a dangerous infectious disease. The patient rises the temperature, the throat hurts.
    10.03.2019 292 3
  • Diseases
    The thyroid is iron that produces a hormone to adjust the metabolism, temperature, organism development.
    08.02.2019 278 1
  • Diseases
    With the problems of legs, namely with the veins on them, many people face. In his youth for this, usually do not pay attention.
    03.02.2019 383 1
  • Diseases
    Allergic responses on the body and in the human body can manifest itself in different ways, and how exactly they will manifest, depends on the allergen, as well as from the individual characteristics of the body.
    05.01.2019 241 1
  • Diseases
    Microsulte is a very terrible diagnosis, so you need to know information about this disease in order to prevent it or at least turn to help.
    07.11.2018 281 4
  • Children
    Children regardless of age are always in motion. They are full of energy, so they seem terrible fidgets.
    08.10.2018 328 0
  • Diseases
    Pancreas is an important organ in the human body, which occupies an important role in the process of digestion.
    08.10.2018 292 0
  • Diseases
    Some doctors say that diabetes is not a disease. They, comforting patients, argue that diabetes is just another way of life.
    27.09.2018 290 2
  • Diseases
    Pulse and pressure, like two comrades, go hand in hand. Typically, the heartbeat indicator is rapidly increased by increasing blood pressure.
    26.08.2018 472 1
  • Stomach, intestine
    Probably, each at least once in his life came across a belch, having a taste of rotten eggs. What is trying to tell the body with such "exhaust" of hydrogen sulfide?
    26.08.2018 504 0
  • Diseases
    Sometimes attempts to do, something independently ends with unpleasant consequences. What if it came to a rusty nail myself or someone from the loved ones?
    22.08.2018 418 0
  • Diseases
    Probably, each staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time, for example, during sleep, he felt like some hands.
    20.08.2018 372 0
  • Diseases
    Unstable blood pressure and pulse are interconnected with each other. If the pressure rises, the number of heart impacts is growing.
    19.08.2018 322 0
  • Diseases
    Sometimes a person may not even know that stones were formed in his bustling bubble. The symptoms of the disease are quite ambiguous, a person can have pain in the back, nausea and vomiting.
    19.08.2018 322 0
  • Diseases
    Bilirubin is a pigment forming in the liver of a person by splitting certain proteins.
    05.08.2018 405 0
  • Diseases
    Chree is a boil, inflammation on the skin, accompanied by the suppuration. First, the hair bag is inflamed and the surrounding cloths are gradually involved.
    29.07.2018 399 1
  • Anatomy
    The pain at the bottom of the abdomen is a symptom that makes taking a medicine, call an ambulance or doctor. The self-treatment and use of medical drugs is not for the purpose can lead to serious complications and fatal outcome.
    29.07.2018 286 0
  • Diseases
    Cerebral palsy is deciphered as children's cerebral paralysis. With this disease, the child is born, the disease may appear during the development of the fetus in the womb or at the time of complex labor.
    29.07.2018 270 0
  • Diseases
    Appendicitis is a very dangerous and cunning surgical disease. It is difficult to recognize at the first symptoms.
    22.07.2018 266 0
  • Diseases
    Angina is a disease that brings a mass of discomfort, affects both physical health and the psychological state of a person.
    13.07.2018 375 3
  • Diseases
    In the spring and summer period, the problem of tick bites is especially acute. The fact is that these small insects are carriers of severe infectious diseases, such as encephalitis, borreliosis, Lyme disease.
    05.07.2018 471 0
  • Diseases
    Do you often sore legs or crunch joints? In the morning you can not get out of bed, as you feel a strong lap in the knees?
    29.06.2018 469 3
  • Diseases
    Pain in the bladder, painful and frequent urination - these signs are most likely to say that a person fell ill and his illness is called cystitis.
    25.06.2018 367 0
  • Diseases
    The joints are a connection between two rigid components: bones, cartilage or various parts of the bone, they are responsible for mobility, flexibility and balance of the body.
    24.06.2018 364 1
  • Diseases
    Angioma looks like a red spot (blood colors) on the surface of the affected organ. Can take various forms.
    30.05.2018 324 0
  • Diseases
    Potion is the mechanism of natural thermoregulation of the body, which allows maintaining the natural body temperature and remove toxic substances.
    26.05.2018 440 4
  • Diseases
    Almost every child makes sounds at night with teeth. These uncontrolled chewing movements are observed in the teething of indigenous teeth.
    23.05.2018 461 1
  • Diseases
    In the body of each person there are lymph nodes. These are ovally - rounded, flat organs. Like vessels, the lymphatic system with its channels and nodes passes throughout the body.
    23.05.2018 358 0
  • Diseases
    Many of us on the body there are red dots, externally similar to moles. They can be different in shape, size and, as a rule, do not bother.
    23.05.2018 344 0
  • Diseases
    How often do you get caviar and is it happening at night? Even if your answer is "not often", it means that it all happened.
    22.05.2018 419 1
  • Diseases
    To the vast regret of the diseases of the joints every year they are becoming younger and even children are addressed to the hospital.
    13.05.2018 373 0
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