How to treat phyms

How to treat phyms

Phoz can be divided into 2 types: congenital and acquired. This disease is a narrowing of the extreme flesh that does not give the penis head to nude.

A variety of phimosis

  • Scar view. Scarns appear due to the process of inflammation or injuries. In children under the year there is a battle of flesh with a penis head. It takes place in 5-6 years without medical intervention.
  • Extremely extreme flesh that interferes with the release of the head is called hypertrophied phimosis. It does not cause discomfort.
  • The thinning of the extreme flesh is an atrophic type of disease. In adults, this disease has acquired in nature.


In what cases you need to beat the alarm:

  • Problems with the appearance of a member head.
  • Difficulties with urination and pain during stouting.
  • The emergence of problems in the intimate sphere, for example, dissatisfaction with sexual act.
  • Common health problems.

If phyms is confirmed by a doctor, then you need to immediately begin treatment.

Causes of phyology

The disease may occur due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene and sighted stones. In the first case, everything is extremely clear. The process of inflammation can begin due to infection from unwitched hands, bathing in a water branch, sun beds on the beach. Even in a strong heat should not let go of children without panties. You also need to change the underwear daily, to wash. When reddening the extreme flesh, it is necessary to rinse with a solution of manganese and use antiseptic means.

Surghmal stones are another reason for the occurrence of phimosis. When opening the head, the lubricant is highlighted - Smegma, which accumulates and requires washing. In some cases, it forms stones that fastened in conglomerates of significant sizes. In this case, operational intervention will be required.

The inflammation of the extreme flesh often arises due to allergies. The inflammatory response can manifest itself not only on the skin, nose or eyes, but on the mucous membranes of intimate organs.

Operational treatment method

In the event of a scars of the disease, you need to start an operation, because the head no longer opens. Here are 2 types of surgery:

  • Circumcia or cutting of extreme flesh. Operational intervention is normally transferred to the patient and completely eliminates the problem.
  • Plastic. This procedure is chosen by Christians.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia for a maximum of 20 minutes. Its principle lies in the longitudinal dissection of a scars ring that does not produce the head. Then the incision is sewn in the transverse direction, keeping the extreme flesh. Wound healing time for each individual is 2-3 weeks. After increasing the epithelium, the crust disappears.

After the surgical intervention of the patient is sent home. It is very important to fulfill the following recommendations of the doctor:

  • Several times a day, make the baths from the beam cleanly, the solution of manganese.
  • Blooming sea buckthorn oil and other medications.
  • Go first without panties, or make a cotton fabric skirt.

The first days of urination can cause pain. This happens in cases where the urethra hole is inflamed. Even is also possible.

No need to hurry

Many surgeons adhere to the opinions that the head needs to withdraw after the achievement of 3 years. This is done in preventive purposes to prevent the development of the inflammatory process. But it's not right. The absence of scars and sighs means that the disease is still natural. It is recommended to follow the rules of hygiene and wait for an independent opening. It can happen during the growth of genital and increasing testosterone levels.

I will better remove the accumulated SMEGM with the help of a urologist. Since it has a viscous consistency and wash it problematic. You can also make a bath with a mortar solution for softening of the soften, to process the antiseptic agent. Smegma will not accumulate further, because the boy will dial back the bag and wash the penis.

In the surgical intervention of the natural disease, a three-year-old child has problems with the consequences of the operation. It is necessary to care for the wound for 3 weeks. To do this, you need to constantly open the head for processing, which is painful for the kid. For this reason, some parents cease to perform procedures, and this adversely affects the healing of the wound. In some cases, it is necessary to make the operation again.

What will happen if not to treat phimos?

If phimosis is not cured, it can lead to negative consequences:

  • Parafimosis is a complication that arises due to the infringement of the penis head as a result of the narrowing of the flesh. It causes member head swelling, and it is impossible to insert it back. Also occurs the head of the head, and when the touch is a sharp pain. This complication requires operational intervention.
  • Inflammatory process - Balantostitis. This is a frequent phenomenon for the disease that occurs due to the accumulation of resheme and reproduction in it bacteria. Complication causes pain, redness, itching.
  • Ureretrite is inflammation of the urethra. Causes pain, frequent urge. Therapy implies the use of antiseptics.

FMOV is dangerous to health as a whole, and also causes discomfort in an intimate life. This disease can lead to infertility.


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