How to treat itching in an intimate zone

How to treat itching in an intimate zone

Itching and unpleasant sensations in the intimate zone can be caused by a variety of reasons. There is always a reason that causes these consequences. Treatment of this problem depends on the factor that influenced the appearance of itching in the intimate part of the body.

What can cause itching in an intimate zone

Causes of the appearance of itching in the intimate body part:

  • Infections of the urogenital system. In modern society, the percentage of women suffering from infectious diseases of the genitourinary system has grown. It is necessary to examine the genital organs and take tests annually. And also after changing the sexual partner. The appearance of the itch can be caused by the infection, which leads to inflammatory processes.
  • Bacterial vaginosis. Dysbacteriosis Vagina can lead to bacterial vaginosis. Often, the cause of dysbacteriosis can be bacteria Gardnerella, which multiply in poor genital hygiene conditions. The reason for the appearance of these diagnoses can be your partner who suffers from this disorder. The consequence of these problems is the occurrence of itching in the intimate zone.
  • Dysbacteriosis vagina and thrush. The thrush can affect the emergence of itching sensations in the intimate zone. The thrush is acquired, as well as it occurs after taking the course of antibiotics.
  • Dermatitis. Dermatitis happens on any section of the skin, as well as in the intimate zone, causing itching.
  • Diseases caused by a violation of the liver. Hepatic insufficiency and liver disease can cause unpleasant allocations and territory of genitals.
  • Climax. Climax is a change in the hormonal background of a woman, he leads to the restructuring of the body. Violation of the urogenital system during menopause can cause itching in an intimate zone.
  • External factors. Synthetic underwear, shaving and female hygiene products are the reason for the appearance of itching in the intimate zone.

What to do with the appearance of itching and discomfort in the intimate zone

If you find yourself in an awkward situation and extremely puzzled by the appearance of the itch in an intimate area, then you need to go for a visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will examine you and offer to pass a series of tests to identify the causes of this symptom.

What tests can be assigned to install the causes of the itch in an intimate area:

  • smear test for bacteriological study of vaginal condition;
  • analysis on blood sugar;
  • analysis of the level of bilirubin, liver enzymes, protein;
  • biopsy and histological examination;
  • tests for detection of genital infections.

When the cause of itching in the intimal area set assigned treatment with appropriate medicines.

How to eliminate itch in an intimate area in the home

This delicate problem is a lot of inconvenience, as well as makes it impossible to focus on daily activities. in the genital area, perform the following steps for the termination of discomfort:

  • Take a bath with potassium permanganate. It means killing germs. Only just a few crystals, so as not to get burned.
  • Process itchy surface with hydrogen peroxide. Carefully follow the instructions.
  • Apply any baby cream or sea buckthorn oil after carrying out decontamination measures.
  • Make lotion of aloe leaf.

If the above steps did not lead to any results within 12 hours, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist. This must be done, because the reasons for the problem can be very serious.

Itching in the intimate zone is often due to the lack of attention to himself. Take time to their health. Watch for health doctor regularly.

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Amina 06/03/2018 at 6:48 am

I was faced with itching during menopause ... Disgusting experience. And the most stupid thing I did, waiting until everything goes by itself. In the end, then still went to the doctor, he prescribed Ladies formula menopause and baths with potassium permanganate. Helped, so in addition to this are other symptoms disappeared, tides and insomnia ceased to disturb. So itchy just pointless to treat, it is necessary to know the reason, and get rid of it

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Lyudmila 31/10/2018 at 0:57

Klimaks is not yet, but Vaginosis was, and with it itching and allocations and an unpleasant smell ((the last time he treated the vaginosis, the doctor for recovering microflora prescribed a lactochinal. It turned out that a very sensible agent, as part of the lactobacterium useful. Three months already Do not sick, no symptoms, beauty))

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