How to treat mosquito bites

How to treat mosquito bites

Almost every resident of our planet has an allergic reaction to the mosquito bite. The pain from the bitter can still be called tolerant, but the resistant itch is able to withdraw from the equilibrium of anyone. Follow the advice below to reduce the swelling and take the maximum reference.

The use of banana peel is unconventional, but in a simple way to stop the itch and eliminate the effects of bite. Clean the banana. Long rub the inner part of the banana peel into the bite area. After 5-15 minutes, swelling will significantly decrease, and after 30-60 - will disappear.

In the room, use lemon or lime juice. They have anti-face and antibacterial properties. Do not forget that citrus juice combined with solar rays causes burns on the skin.

Use tea tree essential oils, mint or lavender. They help in the treatment of edema, lifting inflammation and itching, and also capable of scarying other mosquitoes. Know that lavender oil is able to interest bees.

Botamochy - good tea tree oil_1

Aloe juice is successfully used. It is only worth applied to the inflamed area divided along a leaf of the plant. Similarly, the juice of the green pen of the onion bows helps. Application procedure repeats several times a day.

Recipe-Aloe C-Honey1

Mix in equal parts apple vinegar and warm water. Moch your cotton swab in the solution and impose on the bite. After 2 minutes, dry the skin. With 0.3-0.4 liters of vinegar, you can take relaxing warm baths. Repeat actions as needed.

The ice contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels in the bite. Ice packages attached for 15 minutes help relieve suffering.

Lubricate the bite of honey which will antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Take advantage of food based on food soda. For her preparation, stir 3 tsp. Food soda with 1 tsp water. Apply the mixture on the area of \u200b\u200bthe bite, and wait for it to dry completely. Repeat manipulations as needed.

To quickly deal with the swelling and itching can compress with dairy products - fermented baked milk, yogurt, curd, milk.

For a few minutes, medicinal pastes and gels from dental pain will save you from running and removing irritation.

If you have serious allergic reactions to mosquito bites, then use antihistamines - phenyatil, clementine, taverned.

In no case should not comb the bite area. This will not only increase their swelling and will strengthen the desire to comb the irritated area more accurate, but also can provoke the ingress of infection through microcracks formed in the skin.

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Galina 01/09/2018 at 20:27

How difficult it is not to comb mosquito bite, especially it is difficult to give children. In the summer, when these insects appear, we always buy gel phenyatil to lubricate the seats of bites. And this summer, we discovered another tool after mosquito bites, it's also a gel, called Azudol, but he pulls it out so quickly that after a few seconds, after use, there is no desire to scratch the place of bite and therefore there is simply no cleaned acne.

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