How to treat chemical burn

How to treat chemical burn

Chemical burn is the most aggressive kind of burn. It occurs as a result of the impact on the skin of human acid-containing or alkali-containing substances.

If such a misfortune happened and you were inadvertently poured by a tool to clean the toilet bowls, in which acid is usually present, you should not panic. First of all, it is necessary to wash the affected area of \u200b\u200bflowing cold water. It can also be lowered by an accepted hand in a pelvis with cool water. If the acid or alkali gets on clothes, it should be immediately removed that the fabric does not in contact with the skin. To neutralize the impact of acid on the damaged area, it is necessary to put a sterile napkin, moistened with a 4% food soda solution, keep it next five minutes. If the chemical burn turned out to be the effect of alkali, then the napkin should be launched with a weak solution of citric acid.


It is impossible to apply ice to the chemical burn, because in this way you can provoke the rejection of damaged tissues. Also, you should not put a very tight gauze bandage on your hand or leg - it will limit access to the skin of oxygen, which will not allow the wound to quickly delay. The bandage must be very free and necessarily from a sterile bandage.


Before overclocking the bandage, the wound needs to be treated with burns from burns, preferably with bactericidal action. If there is no such house, you will have to send someone from relatives to the pharmacy. The best tool today is a spray from Panthenol burns.


It is worth drinking any pain (analgesic), which is in a home first aid kit. It may be analgin, ibuprofen, Maksigan or any other drug.


Every day you need to draw a dressing, while re-impose ointment from burns and change the old bandage to the new one. Before dressing, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap, so as not to make an infection.


Independent treatment of chemical burns is possible only if it is a burn first or initial degree. With such burns on the skin, blisters do not appear. If within a few minutes after exposure to acid or alkali on the skin, water bubbles began to inflate, cracks or ulcers appeared, the victim should urgently deliver to the hospital. The burns of higher degrees are treated only in the hospital.


Be very careful with chemicals that apply at home. Clean them in those places where children will not be able to get them. Perform all homework in rubber gloves.

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Tanya 18/11/2018 at 12:12

But for example, I did not have such burns, and domestic happening periodically. Knowing his "lucky" on this account, always in the first-aid kit, I have a panthenols, which with an emoticon and the inscription "produced in Europe. It seems to me that it is the most effective in burns, anesthetles quickly.

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Diana 25/11/2018 at 1:52.

Yes, I know about this drug. Thank you for recalled, you will need to buy it in the first-aid kit.

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