How to treat herpes

How to treat herpes

This is an unpleasant viral disease, forcing the experience of burning, tingling, pain, itching and loking in the body, unfortunately, to cure completely impossible. But it is quite amenable to control that, undoubtedly pleases, especially the representatives of the finest sex, which are periodically forced to rely conform herpes on their lips. The bubble rash appears on the face appears really not very aesthetically, but with timely use of some means you can get rid of it quite quickly.

Of course, it is better not to give a reason to a cunning virus that settled in the nervous cells, to get out. To do this, you must ensure that your immunity is normal, and even better - at the height. Try not to transfer, not to spend too much time in the sun, avoid physical or mental overvoltage, stress, in your diet should be products rich in vitamins and proteins. If the relapse still happened or you first encountered this problem - you should not hide from herpes, like a trifling, since this virus is very cunning. Be sure to take action to eliminate its manifestations. And if we are talking about herpes with genital or conjunction, better contact the doctor.


Regarding the suspicion of genital herpes, you can visit the gynecologist, urologist or dermatologist. Go to the latter it is better to apply with the symptoms of zooming. The doctor will hold the necessary examination and take the tests, will ask questions that feel free to respond. First, it is not your respected mom, in front of which you have to blush and justify. Secondly, due to unreliable information, the course of the appointed therapy may not be as effective, and this harm will bring you exclusively. As a rule, immunoglobulins, interferons, immunostimulants are prescribed, and a specific immunostimulation of herpetic vaccine is used. In addition to nucleoside, metizazone is used in addition to nucleosides. The dosage and duration of the use of drugs with these types of herpes is usually calculated individually.

Reception from the doctor

The most popular means of combating this virus are Valtarex, Zovirax, Panavir, Vivorax, Acyclovir, Erasanban, Herpevir, Famvir, Valacyclovir, Phenistil Penzivir, Cycloferon, Likopid. They help reduce the duration of treatment, as well as rash frequency. Ointment is recommended to be applied to the affected place or cotton, or a special glass stick (sold in a pharmacy). If they are not - wash your hands thoroughly before and after the procedure, since you can disseminate infection by body. Tablets need to take at least ten days. Follow the instructions. In the form of applications you can apply the facphipup or foskarnet. Take vitamins C and E for two weeks, drink more fluid. At this time, tea from the roots of the burdock is useful, take Echinacea extract. With a strong itching, take a paracetamol or aspirin tablet. At the time of treatment, eliminate flour, coffee, grapes, chocolate, pepper and peas from the diet.


As soon as you feel the first signs of the manifestation of a malicious virus, finely cut out or crush several cloves of garlic and soda them affected skin. Then in equal proportions, honey and apple vinegar mix and smear twice a day. No less effective for lubricating the sore place of Valokordin, Calanechoe juice, oxolin ointment, Melissa essential oil, lemon juice and even toothpaste. Use these funds every two or three hours. Do not forget about ice cubes, the virus can not tolerate low temperature. Watch the rash woolen toe, it also helps. Here's another recipe: take a sheet of white uncoated paper, turn the cone and put on the plate. Bently on top of it, let it burn half and skip into the sink or bath, for example. A weddy resin will remain on the plate, which immediately smeared the sore place. Very effective against herpes and ear sulfur, thoroughly rub it out.


Fill a tablespoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, let it stand for half an hour, strain and add the same spoonful of the decade of a sense infusion of propolis. Three times on the day of drink and make a row. You can mix a teaspoon of honey with a pinch of ash (burn matches) and apply to a problem. Pregnant woman is recommended to solve this problem with the cut sprigs of the raspberry. Rinse them with boiled water, cut into small pieces (1-2 cm) and get to the state of the casis. This mixture and apply. Or moisten a black cotton disk in a strong tea and attach to rack. Press the juice from a pair of carrots, one apple, beet tops, parsley beam and mix everything. Drink the resulting cocktail during the day, dividing on equal portions. And do not forget to lubricate the lips of oily hygienic lipstick.

Hygienic lipstick

Do not let this disease on samonek, since the consequences can be quite serious.

Comments leave a comment
Larisa 05/12/2015 at 10:01

The lipstick from herpes will definitely not save, whatever it was hygienic. Herpes is a virus, and viruses are treated with antiviral drugs and ointments. I'm going to the infogel, and I smell herpes to her twice a day, for several days, and everything passes. that is used for healing herpes lustful paper or sulfur from the ears, to be honest, I do not understand.


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