How to treat neurodermatit

How to treat neurodermatit

Atopic dermatitis - a skin disease of allergic nature. Sometimes the cause of the disease are disorders of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. To treat the disease is difficult, because it is chronic.

To treat atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to determine the allergen to which the body reacts. It is not easy. A dermatologist can assign a allergotsentr skin tests. In young children, allergens detected by a blood test. Quite often, the analysis of an allergen does not give any results, in this case, there is a cross-allergy due to the interaction of the two possible allergens.

How to treat neurodermatit

How to treat atopic dermatitis, if the cause of the disease is unclear? In most cases, you must go on a hypoallergenic diet, which is forbidden to consume fresh fruits, besides green apple. It is not allowed to include in the diet of meats, sweets, fatty meats, and any fish. The diet is very meager and consists of boiled or baked dishes. Soup or vegetarian should be welded in the secondary broth.

How to treat neurodermatit

Toddlers up to 3 years of atopic dermatitis can occur due to abnormalities in the nervous system or a malfunction of the bowel. Pediatrician is required for diagnosis write out a direction on bakposev fecal bacteria overgrowth. Often cause skin rashes are worms, staphylococci, or Klebsiella. Pathogenic or opportunistic residents intestine can trigger skin rashes. This is due to the fact that the intestines of the child because of the bacteria becomes sensitive to all allergens and any unnatural or stale food.

How to treat neurodermatit

Limit scratching peeling. Even in summer wear on the child's thin pajamas with long sleeves. This prevents scratches and secondary infection of wounds. For the treatment used:

  • emollients;
  • corticosteroids;
  • antiinflammatory ointment;
  • antihistamines.

If the cause of neurodermit is staphylococcus, it needs to be cured. Getting rid of the disease and restoring the intestinal flora, you will be able to forget about the neurodime. Be sure to at least twice a day you need to lubricate the entire body of the body by the emolents - substances that delay water in the epidermis and prevent skin cut. It will be possible to get rid of neurodermit with the help of corticosteroids. Remember, these are hormonal ointments that can be applied according to a specific scheme, gradually reducing the amount of medication. Immediately cannot be canceled such a drug, the next day the rash will arise again.

How to treat neurodermatit

If after using the corticosteroids of peeling disappeared, but red spots remained, wipe them with alcoholic chlorophilipet with a trimineine or other antibacterial agent. Some ointments contain corticosteroids and antibiotic (pymafuct). With caution, use hormonal ointments in children, they can cause a height delay or problems with pancreas.

Positively on the course of the disease affects the use of humidifiers in the winter. You can take baths with sea salt without dyes. Children with neurodermatitis are forbidden to bathe in the bathroom with a turn and chamomile, these herbs dried the skin. Use special oils for baths or emulsions with liquid paraffin (ohilant emulsion), they hold moisture in the skin.

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Natalia 03/25/2019 at 10:53.

With neurodite, the vegetable preparation of Berestin is pretty effectively. It quickly absorbs and relieves the symptoms well.

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