Pink deprived is one of the most common skin diseases. Doctors note the infectious cause of the disease and excessive susceptibility of the body. That is why people with allergies for food, plants and household stimuli can suffer pink deprived.
It should be noted that the treatment of pink deprivation should be engaged exclusively by the doctor. This is associated with the possibility of infection with staphylococcal infection. For the treatment of antihistamine and antiviral drugs is not enough. It is necessary to engage in the strengthening of immunity and intake of vitamins. With a weak flow of illness, after 4-5 weeks, it is possible to recovery. With severe weakness, prolonged treatment is necessary. In any case, it is worth not to allow infection of peeling spots with a conditional pathogenic microflora. It is not fully studied, which pathoger provokes rashes on the skin. Some doctors believe that this is a herpes virus, and some doctors prefer streptococcus. But in any case, the causative agent is a certain starting mechanism for an allergic reaction that the immune system reacts.Preparations for the treatment of pink deprivation:
- antibiotics;
- antiviral drugs;
- antihistamine drugs;
- corticosteroids;
- zinc ointment;
- sorbents to reduce the susceptibility of the body to allergens.
With timely treatment, relapses rarely occur. To reduce receptor susceptors to allergens, patients are advised to take sorbents (activated carbon, cutter, enterosgel). Take care of the humidity in the room, for this purchase a humidifier of the air or the patient's room daily.
Be sure to consult with the doctor, because the disease is not only quite serious, but also contagious ... It is good that it is inexpensive, otherwise it is easy to open, if you look at the analogues .... Such such treatment turned out to be the most efficient.