How to treat purulent angina

How to treat purulent angina

The purulent angina (chronic tonsillitis) is one of the most common diseases that in improperly treatment may pour into serious complications. So that treatment has passed successfully, it is important to recognize the main symptoms as soon as possible and take the necessary measures.

The main symptoms of purulent angina

The development of the disease can provoke many factors, for example, a large amount of dust indoors, suffered almond injuries, long-term supercooling, smoking, weak immunity. The following manifestations will help recognize the purulent angina:

  • cough and runny nose;
  • strong pain in the throat;
  • heat;
  • chills;
  • an increase in lymph nodes;
  • swelling of the visible part of the larynx;
  • the occurrence of purulent spots on almonds.

Treatment of purulent angina

In the event of the above symptoms, call ambulance or doctor. Only a specialist will be able to establish the correct diagnosis. Symptoms of angina may be a consequence of other diseases, much more serious. The classic treatment scheme is as follows:

  • Antibiotics. Destroy the most dangerous bacteria and help him cope with the disease. Course of injections lasts 7-10 days.
  • Corticosteroids. These funds help reduce swelling, with difficulty swallowing and breathing.
  • Package. A patient is needed in the first days of treatment. Approximately 3 days the disease retreats and the pain passes, so they can no longer use them.
  • Rinsing. It is carried out for faster recovery. Doctors often prescribe rinsing with various herbs or special solutions.
  • Pills. For as quickly as possible to relieve inflammation and reduce pain, it is recommended to take special pills. The most popular of them are "Dr. Mom", "Chlorophyllipt", "Travsil", "Lizobakt", etc.

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Folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine can be used as an additional treatment. To combat the disease, it is preferable to approach complex. The following recipes will help:

  • Garlic. Clean the head of garlic and every slicker, then pour the water liter. Boil the decoction for an hour. After that, add a spoonful of food soda to the water. The resulting composition can be made inhalation. Doctors recommend doing inhalation 3-5 times a day for 3 minutes.
  • Onion. A good effect was obtained by Cashier, consisting of equal parts of the crushed onion, grated apple and honey. It must be taken for 2-3 hours l. After eating 3-4 times a day.
  • Aloe. Take the glass and up to half fill it with chopped aloe leaves. Before use, it is recommended to withstand them for several days in the refrigerator. The remaining half of the glass fill sugar, tie the gauze on top and insist in the refrigerator for 3 days. Then strain the mixture and spout well. Take the resulting syrup on 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Special diet

When acute pain in the sore throat is translated on a liquid diet. It is recommended to drink warm broth, milk, fresh juices, herbal infusions. As soon as a sharp pain begins to subscribe, you can move to a more hard food. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, solid grain should be present in the diet. These products will help improve immunity and speed up recovery. It is not recommended to use too acidic, fried and spicy products. They can contribute to even greater inflammation. If the body is strongly weakened, it is necessary to drink a course of vitamins to increase immunity, since they may not be enough in food.

In order to warn itself from the disease of the angina in the future, it is recommended that you often wash your hands, to regularly air the room, make wet cleaning, strengthen the immune system, to eat and play sports. A healthy lifestyle will give not only wonderful well-being, but also vigor, energy and an excellent appearance!

Comments leave a comment
Irina 03/26/22020 at 17:07

Purulent angina must be treated in the hospital, it is the best option. Well, or under the supervision of the doctor and necessarily antibiotics.

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Field 03/27/22020 at 11:58.

Yes, with such a purulent angina antibiotics are mandatory. I generally often suffer from sore throat, this is my weak place, so in no case I never pull with treatment, immediately starting to rinse the throat, dissolve anti-angine formula tablets, some kind of compresses, in general, we treat all possible ways and it helps Do not get hard and not get complications.

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