Than to treat runny nose during pregnancy

Than to treat runny nose during pregnancy

Rubber - an unpleasant phenomenon that is quite often accompanied by pregnancy. Of course, no one relates to serious illnesses, nevertheless, it provokes weakness, insomnia, difficult to breathe in the future mommy. So it is still necessary to treat it.

Causes of the appearance of a runny nose

Rhubstick can develop in three cases:

  • as a reaction to weakened immunity during pregnancy;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • due to hormonal changes in the body.

ORVI gets at all difficult, for example, from his beloved husband or unfamiliar person in the store, because the body is so weakened. Additionally, the pregnant woman can hurt the throat, the cough began, the temperature rise. V it is case without inspection doctor and, respectively, selection honey. Tools not do well. Do not do with self-medication! This can lead to complications from the fetus. If the rhinitis appeared in the summer season and is not accompanied by other symptoms, then without the help of an allergist can not do. But due to hormonal changes, a runny nose may also arise, which is associated with the swelling of the nose mucous membrane. It should not be treated specifically. Usually it appears in the second half of pregnancy and passes after childbirth.

What droplets in the nose are pregnant

The young mammies often make up the situation so that there is no opportunity to apply to the doctor. In this case, droplets will help (naturally, if there is no temperature!). It is extremely important to choose them correctly. The most familiar vesseloring drugs are prohibited by future mothers, since their action applies to the entire body, and not just on the nasal mucosa. The consequences of innocuous drops are very serious - the child can develop oxygen starvation. In particular, this refers to pregnant women suffering from increased blood pressure. It is best to use those drugs that are allowed to the smallest kids. At the same time, in the acute phase, if other drops do not help, it is possible to use vasoconducting children, but one once and no more than 3-4 days so as not to cause addiction.

Washer in the fight against a runny nose

The washing is a fairly effective method of dealing with just starting a runny nose. Just do they need often. Suitable for the procedure marine water, saline, decoction from chamomile, turn, calendula, etc. Independently, the sea salt with water is better not bred, otherwise with the wrong dosage you can burn the mucous membrane. It is better not to be sung and acquired at the pharmacy already ready-made options (Aquamaris, Dolfin, Hewomer). Do not forget that abundant drink only improves well-being. Brew yourself teas, frost, herbal infusions, do not forget about mineral water. They will not bring harm to the fruit, but the balance of fluids will restore.

Folk recipes for future mothers from a cold

The simplest and fairly effective remedy is a salt, warming up on a frying pan and folded in handkerchiefs or socks. It is neatly laid under the eyes and wait until it gets completely cool. Be careful for the first time, there is a risk of burning the skin of the face. Salt can be replaced with an egg welded by screwing. Roll it on one side to another through the nose, warming up the sinuses. At night, pour into the sock of dry mustard or soda the feet with garlic. Additionally, garlic can be hung as an amulet on the neck (this method will be effective for children). He kills viruses. If there is a blue lamp from childhood, then it will be a good companion to you and your children. Warm the nose every three or four hours, directing the rays of light on the triangle "Lob-region under the eyes". At high temperatures, as well as during sinusitis, all these methods will have to be abandoned.

Rubber is not the worst. And so that the treatment passed correctly and did not harm the fetus, it is necessary to refer to the doctor, and not engage in self-medication.

Comments leave a comment
Anyutka 05/02/2018 at 2:37

I saved the Spray aquamaster. It can be both pregnant and nursing, and small kids. It is good as for the prevention of diseases and for the treatment of a cold. Moisturizes the nasal mucosa, cleans from microbes, allergens. After all, pregnant women are more likely an allergic runny nose.

To answer
Helena 20/11/2019 at 15:39

Especially during pregnancy, it is necessary that the drugs are natural and safe if indications allow. Drops of EDAS 131 rhinitol are well helped from the cold. They are not vesseloring, but remove swelling due to anti-inflammatory action. Allergic runny nose is also treated.

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