How to cure sinusitis at home

How to cure sinusitis at home

The peel sinuses of the nose are inflated during sinusitis. The most effective method of treating the disease is the washing of hymorrheal sinuses by means of puncture. You can avoid this unpleasant procedure if you diagnose in time. In this case, the disease is treated even at home. There are several main procedures used in self-treatment of the sinusitis.

Improve the drainage of the hymorovy sinuses with the help of vasoconstrictor droplets, such as naphtizin, halonoline. These tools reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane.

The main procedures are in washing and cleansing. Prepare herbal beams from the Hypericum, Sophia, Chamomile or Salt Solution. In pharmacies you can buy ready-made pharmacological preparations - Rotokan, December toxin. For washing, you need a rubber can with a soft tip. Procedures spend after instillation in the nose of vasoconstrictor droplets and swelling. During the day, make the washing at least 4 times. A vegetable-based drops have proven well, which includes honey, for example, from Cellular and Aloe. Finely cut 4 g cleanly. Add as much by volume of aloe juice and honey and mix thoroughly. Extracted juice 5 times a day, instill in the nose.

Washing removes only inflammation, but does not destroy the infection. Therefore, in the nose, instill antibacterial agents with anti-inflammatory components, as well as plant extracts that contribute to the restoration of the mucous membrane. Pinasol, bioparox, booths possess such therapeutic properties.

You can independently warm the apparent sinuses with a dry way or using infrared heat from the blue lamp. Remember that the warming is prohibited in an acute period of development of the disease, when pus accumulates in the cavity. The aggravation is accompanied by severe pain and high temperature. For dry warming, a welded egg is used, wrapped in a napkin, a package with hot salt or sand.

When treating, compresses are very useful. Prepare honey pellets and put over the hymorovy sinuses. Honey has warming properties, reduces inflammatory processes. Compresses using hydrocortisone and dimexide are used for anesthesia. From the laurel sheet also make compresses. Put the sprig of the plant in a saucepan with water and boil. Moisten the napkin with a decoction and put over the area of \u200b\u200bthe geimor sinuses per hour. Cover the napkin with a towel.

Honey is very effective in ointment. Children's soap soda on the grater. Add the same amount of vegetable oil, honey and milk and heat the pair until the soap is melted. Add a spoonful of alcohol, shake, put in a jar. Pick up two cotton wands in ointment, enter in both nostrils for 15 minutes. Repeat procedures for three weeks. Keep ointment in a cold place.

Antibiotics are also accepted at home, although the recipe must write a doctor. Take in tableted forms or in the form of injections. Home treatment does not work out without general treatment procedures. These include warm vitamin drink, techniques for the relief of expectoration (for example, from the root of licorice or altayki). Use inhalations with propolis. Buy in the pharmacy alcohol tinctures of propolis. It is sold everywhere, the recipe for purchase is not required. Boil 2 l of water, add 2 teaspoons of tincture. Breathe in pairs of tincture, cover your head together with a towel tank.


With home treatment, constantly monitor the health of the patient. If the symptomatics increases, contact the doctor - it is not always possible to overcome the disease.

Comments leave a comment
Veronica 02/18/2016 at 18:01

Washing the nose and cinnabsin - excellent treatment of sinusitis. My disease was at the initial stage, but the runny nose and headaches were still felt about themselves. Then my ENT instead of nasal droplets discharged Cinnabsin tablets. This is at times better than any sprays that are terribly dried and irritated to the mucous membrane.

Yana. 05/26/2016 at 16:28

I agree with you, Veronica. The cinnabsin herself treated sinusitis. True, I was appointed in a complex with antibiotics. Excellent remedy! I would never have thought that it really helps.

Yura 09/15/2019 at 16:34

In general, in fact, everything is real. These are only doctors say that it is impossible to be treated at home .... And what was just not frightened, and punctures including. As a result, the hymorite was able to get rid of themselves: used droplets-Orvis Rino + still in the nostrils inserted mocks, moistened in the indoor from the propolis with sunflower oil. So managed to defeat this)


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