How to cure fast cough

How to cure fast cough

Cough is a protective reaction of the body to flow internal inflammations. The main pulmonary diseases that are manifested by cough - pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, tracheitis and ordinary cold. In the home atmosphere, the treatment is quick and efficiently. To facilitate dry and wet cough, there are many effective funds that you will learn from our article.

How to cure fast cough drink

Credit with a strong cough will help the bustle milk - spread alkaline mineral water in a glass of hot drink, in proportions - 50/50 and 5 grams of honey. For the treatment of children in a glass of warm milk, inject figs.

  • Babushkino Tool - Take round radish, cut the top with it and cut down a knife. After that, pour honey into the resulting hole, and cover the cut as a cut. It is recommended to insist for a day, during this time the radish will let his juice and mixes with honey. Take a means of 3-4 teaspoons per day.
  • Syrup from the carnation - in a glass of natural liquid honey, add 6 pieces of dry cloves, then cover the scene from above and put in the refrigerator overnight. Remove the clove in the morning, take syrup every 2-3 hours on a teaspoon with hot tea or milk. This spice stimulates blood circulation in respiratory organs, displays stagnant phenomena and relieves inflammation.
  • Garlic tincture - 10 medium garlic heads, clean and grind in wooden or clay dishes. Put the mixture into a bottle with a wide neck and fill 0.5 l 40% of alcohol, snugly snap and insist in a dark place for 3 days. Then strain and squeeze. Start taking from 1 drop, gradually increasing to 10. The infusion protects against colds and influenza, improves the work of the immune system.

How to cure fast cough inhalations

Inhalation is the process of delivering chopped drugs into the respiratory tract with a heated steam or steam inhalers.

  • Inhalation nebulizer - perfectly cope with both wet and dry cough. For the adoption of procedures, Lazolvan, Ambroben, Prospan, together with physical, is appointed. Breathe a steam inhaler is necessary 2 times a day. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, increase the number of procedures up to 4 times, alternating inhalation with mineral water or physical.
  • Inhalation of hot steam - pour 1,5 liter of water into the pan and put on the middle fire. In boiling water, plump 3 tbsp. Spoons of chopped eucalyptus leaves and 2 tbsp. Spoon of sage leaves. Boil the inhalation solution for 3-4 minutes. After that, ride 5-6 minutes over the ferry.
  • Potato inhalation is the most affordable and well-known method for rapid deliverance from cough. Clean 3-4 potatoes, place in a saucepan, fill with water and boil. Add 2-3 eucalyptus oil drops into a ready-made decoction and raise a hot ferry for 6-7 minutes.

How to cure fast cough mustard plasters

Mustarders have an anti-inflammatory, painful and warming effect. Thanks to the "burning" skin irritation, active biological substances are produced, which help the body in the fight against the flowing infection. It is forbidden to put the compress the patient with a temperature, above 37 degrees.

  • Place the mustarder into the water with a temperature of 37-38 degrees, for 15-20 seconds.
  • Then cover the compress in the gauze bandage and put on the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Blank with a dry tight fabric on top.
  • Little children mustard pieces put for 2-3 minutes, in 8-12 years old can be left compress for 5-6 minutes. An adult man can take mustard procedures for 10-15 minutes.
  • During the session, follow the skin condition. If the skin has blushed, or the patient complains about burning and itching, mustard pieces need to be removed.
  • After removing the mustarder, gently wipe the skin with a napkin moistened in warm water. Wrap in the skin of the fat cream and wrap the patient.

How to cure fast cough asthmatic and allergies

People who are ill with asthma are most susceptible to respiratory diseases. As a rule, along with asthma there is an allergic reaction to many medical drugs. Doctors prescribe inhaled procedures and abundant drinking. There are several popular recipes in which herbs contains, with the smallest content of allergens.

  • The decoction "Rescuer" - heals the cold, cough, strengthens the immune system. For the preparation you will need: 5 parts of the plating of the Bolotnaya Range, 4 leaf of the beak nettle, 3 elements of the leaf of mother-and-stepmother. Put the herbal mixture into an enameled pan with 1 liter of cold water, and leave infusion at night. In the morning, boil the solution on a small heat for 7-10 minutes, after which let's break 1-2 hours, strain. The decoction is given in a warm form on the floor of the glass 5-6 times a day. Before use, add 1 table with milk.
  • Broth "Vitaminka" - displays a wet from the bronchi, protects against colds. Ingredients: 5 separated parts of naked licorice, 4 shares of nine roots, 12 parts of the marsh rod plant, 6 sheets of beak nets, 10 leaf and machem leaves. The solution is prepared and accepted the same as the first one, it is only necessary to boil for 15 minutes.

Comments leave a comment
Dina 06/09/2019 at 14:08

Also on itself a consuming steep meal for the treatment of cough. I came across and once with the cough and found for myself the capsules bronchobos, I really help me well. With him, besides cough and even a runny nose is faster.

Roma. 08/11/2019 at 15:55

When the cough begins to overcome, I immediately buy Orvis Broncho Ambroxol (the quality is already proven). I make inhalation with him. In obligatory, the throat is also the throat in the morning and in the evening (solution with soda and salt), well, tea with raspberry drinks (not hot, of course). I developed such "therapy" for myself helps perfectly! The sputum moves well, thanks to which the cough is not delayed)

Lyuba 12/21/2019 at 20:17

Bronchobos helped me a lot when I had a cough. The wet was well drank and went out. I advise everyone when coughing

Alina 02/23/22020 at 17:21

And I have from the Favorites for the treatment of dry cough-flood. If you cough, then just drink a lot and watch so that there is always fresh air in the apartment. But if the cough is dry, then Fluiforth comes to the rescue, he moisturizes and displays a sputum.


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